Chapter 6

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Forth POV

We pull up to the dorm when I notice that it's my dorm. I look at Pha confused but don't want to ask anything. I just wait for him to get out but he sits in the car.

"So..." I say trying not to sound rude.

"Look. I can't go up with you while he's in heat. I will not be able to control myself. As much as you shouldn't be there too you are the only one that can help him suppress his heat since you caused it unintentionally. I don't care what happens, but you better take care of him and you better not mark him without his permission."

I could hear the sternness in his voice. I just gulp and nod at him.

"Good. Now he's in room 207. I already texted Kit to open the door when you come and leave you two be."

I got out of the car and watched Pha leave before heading upstairs. I glanced at the door that said 207 before looking at the door next to it. 206. That's my room. I knock before waiting for an answer. That's when I start to inhale that sweet scent again. Honey

Beam POV

I can barely control my body right now. I know I've gone into heat but something is different. It's like my body is longing for something. Or someone. Kit is crouched next to me staring at me in worry. I want to say something but then I feel another wave of heat hit me. Then I smell that scent. Ocean breeze.

Kit can tell that my body is getting worse. "What's wrong?"

All I can muster out is "Ocean...breeze".

He looks at me confused before I hear a knock on the door. He rushes to open it.

All I hear from Kit is "Please. Take care of him okay?" before he leaves that man in the room and locks the door on the way out.

I turn my gaze to him and I can feel the lust rise in my body. Is this my alpha? My fated alpha? My Forth?

I can see him slowly come towards me and I start to pull on my shirt. I look at him with longing and lust. "Please...."

Forth POV

I stare at the man in front of me and can't help but be drawn to him. His hair and clothes are a mess while he claws at his shirt pleading for me to come closer. All I can do is move towards him feeling the pull. I try to calm myself down remembering Pha telling me not to bond with him but how the hell am I supposed to do that?! He's my omega.

I want him

I want him

I want him

I want him

I take slow ragged breaths before attempting to reach for this man. My fated omega. My Beam. Before I can do anything. He grabs my collar and abruptly pulls me on top of him. I can't help but take in his scent. Honey

I'm trying so hard not to do anything but he's begging me. Pleading while rubbing his body all over me. "Please..."

"We can't Beam. I can't bond with you like this." I'm slowly losing my sanity while he's staring at me with so much lust.

"F-Forth.... I need you.... It hurts."

I'm trying to calm myself down but it's not working. How can I defy him when he looks like this? Fuck it. Pha said I could do anything but bond right? No No be rational Forth.

Before I can finish having an internal argument he grabs my head and brings me closer. Our lips grazing each other. "Mine" he says. "My Forth."

My restraint snapped at that comment as I crash my lips into his. He's moaning and panting as I'm nibbling his lower lip. I lick until he gives me entrance to his mouth. Our tongues dancing in a battle for dominance before he submits to me. I can feel his fingers raking through my hair before gripping it hard pulling me closer to him. In an instant our clothes are flying leaving nothing but our boxers.

Beam POV

I break away from his kiss after I can no longer breathe. He starts to kiss my jaw line before moving further down to my neck. He's sucking and nibbling at it while short gasps and moans escape from my mouth. All I can do is grip his hair tighter as he continues to bite.

I feel him move to my chest giving short kisses before playfully nibbling at my nipple. I can only gasp at the contact. He plays with the right before slowly moving to the left repeating his actions. Then, I feel him move further down stopping at my boxers. He looks at me and our gaze meet full of lust like he is asking permission.

I slowly nod before saying "I need you." He immediately pulls my boxers down and grabs my manhood. His thumb grazes the top moving my precum around the tip. I can only moan in pleasure and close my eyes.

I feel him move his hand along my length for a moment before he kisses the tip. I look at him holding my breath as he put the tip inside of his mouth. The warm sensation makes me feel electrocuted and I cant help but throw my head back in ecstasy as he starts to push me further in his mouth. I can feel that I've become a moaning mess but I don't care. His tongue is licking as his head is bobbing up and down in a smooth rhythm. After some time I feel my release rising.

"Forth... Let go.... I'm gonna...." I feel him quicken his pace before I release in his mouth. He just sits up and swallows all that I've given him while I'm still coming down from my high.

I look at him in a daze before I slowly start to black out succumbing to sleep.


Hi guys I'm so embarrassed over this chapter. I'm trying my best to write this but it is my first time writing anything like this. I hope it is going okay but I am trying my best to update a lot while I'm into this story. Please let me know what you think :)

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