Chapter 13

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Forth POV

I slowly carried Beam to the bed while kissing him ferociously before I laid him gently down on his back. I started to unbutton his shirt and we stopped kissing to remove both of our shirts before continuing where we were at.

I moved from his mouth to his jawline kissing my way down to his neck inhaling his scent before biting and licking him. I wanted to start off slow, but I couldn't help but become more aggressive due to desire.

"Ahhhh Forth," he ran his fingers through my hair grabbing tightly to bring me closer. I continued to kiss until I made it to his nipple. I blew on it and watched as his body shivered before I started to suck and nibble on it slowly. I reached for his other one and started to pinch it teasingly. "Ngggghhh... Wait.." he gasped out but I didn't listen.

I reached further down and started to take off his pants while sucking on his other nipple. I stopped to take his pants off before looking into his eyes. He was beautiful. His hair a mess while breathing heavily covered in bite marks all over his chest.

Beam POV

He started to rub my erection over my underwear and I couldn't help but beg. "Please.... stop teasing me."

"What do you want then?"

I could barely muster out my response. "" It came out as a whisper but he heard it because my underwear was taken off. I watched as he bent down and immediately took my manhood into his mouth. "AH" I tried to cover my moans.

"Don't. I want to hear you." I shook my head because I was embarrassed, but he grabbed my hands with his left hand, and held them against my stomach while he continued to lick and suck.

"Ahhhh.... so good.... Ah.... I think....Nghhh.. I'm cumming" I breathed out. I could feel my body tense before I released in his mouth.

I was still coming down from my high when I realized that he had already taken off his pants. When did he do that? Then, I felt him touch where no one has touched before.

Forth POV

I stroked his entrance with my finger and I felt his body tense immediately. "So wet." He tries to hide his blushing face after that comment. I know he can't help it because his body lubricates for me as his alpha, but it's still hot.

I slowly slide my finger in and feel him tense up more. He's squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lips. "Hey baby, I need you to relax" I say caressing his face before leaning in to kiss him. I kiss him passionately to distract him and he wraps his arms around my neck pulling me closer to him.

I start to move my finger slowly in and out of him while I kiss him. After a while I can tell he is used to it and pull out to add another finger. He's a little tense again but after a while he is moaning into my mouth which is my cue to add a third finger. It doesn't go in easily.

"Wait.... hurt..." I can tell that he's holding his breath.

"Breathe Beam... Trust me okay?" He nods his head before I continue.

Suddenly "Ahhhh Forth there!" I can tell I've found his sweet spot. I start directing my attention there rubbing my fingers against it.

He arches his back "Yes... there.. Ahhhh mhhh.. more.. please!"

I pull my fingers out before lining my manhood at his entrance.

Beam POV

My mind in a daze before I feel him slowly slide his manhood inside of me. I gasp because I can feel myself being spread widely. He stops once he's all the way. We're both breathing heavily while I try to adjust to his size.

After a while I finally say "Move." He slowly starts to pull out before thrusting back into me hard. I wrap my arms around him trying to get used to the feeling. After a few more thrusts I feel him hit something causing me to moan loudly. "AHHH Forth there!"

"Here?" He asks. His thrusts are speeding up and he's hitting that spot over and over again. All I can do is cling to him.

"AHHH please... more.. harder... faster!" I feel him increase the pace. All you can hear in the room is our moaning and groaning with slapping sounds.

"Mhhhhh I... AHHH... I want.... kisses Ngggghhhh.. Please kiss me!" He beds his head down and I immediately pull him into a sloppy kiss. I'm moaning into it as we continue. I can feel myself coming to a release soon.

After a few more thrust I cum in between us and he finishes a few moments after. I'm still trying to catch my breath when I feel him pull out of me. I'm already exhausted.

Just when I think he's done he abruptly flips my body over.

Forth POV

I know I should wait but seeing him with flushed cheeks covered in his cum while mine seeps out of him made me lose control. My alpha instincts took over and I flipped his body over and raised his ass before ramming back into him.

"AHHHHHHHHH... wait... too much...."

His face is buried in the pillow and I continue to thrust harshly into him with my hands on his waist to get deeper.

I stare at the back of his neck with the urge to bite him. I start to kiss his back leaving marks as I go up.

"Ahhh Mhhhh Forth... Faster.. More!"

I hover over the back of his neck feeling my strong desire to claim him as mine. I slow down my movements for a minute in order to talk to him. "Beam.. can I mark you?"

He lifts his head up to look at me. His eyes filled with love and lust. "Yes please.."

I intertwine my fingers with his on both of his hands before bending down. I lick the back of his neck while I pick up speed again.

"Ahhhh please... faster.... harder.. I want more"

I suck for a while before I can no longer handle it I pull our bodies closer together. I'm thrusting at an animalistic pace before I bite him hard.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I feel his hole clench around me while he throws his head back in ecstasy cumming all over the bed. I can't help but cum too before collapsing on top of him. Both of us are breathing heavily.

"I love you" I say once we've both calmed down.

"I love you too."

I slowly pull out of him before laying next to him pulling his head to lay on my chest. I start to caress his hair before I brush my fingers against the bite mark on the back of his neck. "Mine" I say.

He snuggles closer into me taking long sniffs at my neck. "I'll always be yours, and that mark will never disappear."

"And I'll always be yours," I say caressing his cheek before giving him a soft peck on the lips. I pull the covers over us and we cuddle until we fall asleep.


I'm embarrassed by this chapter. It's my first time writing something like this. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know what you think!

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