Chapter 7

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Beam POV

I woke up to rays of sunlight hitting my face. I turned around to snuggle into my pillow and hide my face, but I realized that my pillow was harder then I remembered. I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to my surroundings to see that I was not snuggling into my pillow. Instead, it was Forth.

I could smell the ocean breeze on him. I snuggled further into him burying my face into his neck to take in the scent deeper. I was lost in the moment until I felt a hand wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him. I looked up and our eyes met.

"Good morning," he said.

I turned a bright crimson realizing what I was doing. So embarrassing. "M-morning.." I managed. Could this get any worse?

Forth POV

I could see he was embarrassed after I caught him sniffing me this morning. He tried to hide his face, but I put my pointer finger under his chin and brought his face up to look at me.

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed. You smell really good too."

He was blushing even harder at that comment. "L-L...Like what?" he managed to ask.

I buried my head into his neck and inhaled deeply. "Honey," I growled out before I started nibbling at his neck. Sucking and biting lightly. I could feel him start to squirm under me.

"Forth wait. I have classes today." Although he said that, I feel his arms around my neck before pulling me closer. I bite a few more times leaving marks before stopping.

"What time is your first class?"

"10am." He says trying to catch his breath.

"Go take a shower and get ready. I'll come by and pick you up for your first class okay?"

He just nods and I kiss his forehead before I get dressed and leave.

Beam POV

I watch him leave and can't help but giggle a little in bed before getting up to shower. I was standing in the shower when memories of last night came rushing back to me. I can't believe I begged him. Is he really my alpha?

I get out and get dressed in my uniform before grabbing my bag, phone, and keys. I go to text Forth when I realize I don't have his number. I'll need to remember to ask him later. When I open the door he's standing there and he looks Hot. I try not to blush at the thought.

"Ready?" he asks. All I could do was nod before following him downstairs. He stops in front of a motorcycle and removes the helmet.

"We're taking this?"

"Yeah. Come here." I walk towards him and he caresses my cheek with his hand before putting the helmet on me. "I'll be careful okay?"

"Okay," I say before climbing on the back. I wrap my arms around his waist for support and I feel him lean into me for a second before driving to campus.

Once we get there, he takes my helmet off for me. I'm gonna ask him for his number but I decided maybe another time would be better.

"What time is your lunch? I'll come and eat with you."

"Around 1pm." I turn to leave when he grabs my hand.

"Wait. Can I have your number so I can find you?" A small smile crept up on my face before I nod enthusiastically and take his phone to put my number in. "I'll see you later," he says ruffling my hair before taking off.

"Well aren't you two just the cutest." I hear Pha say behind me causing me to jump.

"Shit! You gave me a heart attack!" I turn around to see him and Kit grinning at me.

"Oh come on Beamie. We're just teasing. I've never seen you act so sweet before," Kit says to me.

"I-I wasn't acting sweet!" I say blushing profusely before rushing to class. I hear them laughing behind me before following. This is gonna be a long day.

Forth POV

I'm sitting in class and I can't help but sigh. "Dude what's up with you?" Park asks and he and Lam take a seat next to me.

"He's missing his Omega," Lam jokes and Park starts laughing.

"Good one Lam."

I sigh again. "I really do miss him though..."

That's when Park stops laughing and stares at me in disbelief. "You found an Omega. There's no way Forth would settle for someone."

"He's not just someone though. They a fated pair." Lam says before smacking Park on his head.

"Shit! What was that for?!"

"For saying something stupid!" I could hear them continue to bicker before I stare out the window. Can't it be lunch time already?


Hi guys. So another chapter update. It may not be as interesting as the last one but I'm slowly building the story line. I hoped you liked it!

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