Chapter 25

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Forth POV

I have decided that I am going to take Beam on a trip this weekend. I haven't done that since we started dating, and after being separated for a month I just want to be with him. I asked Yo for ideas and he said that one of Beam's favorite places to go is the beach. I never knew that about him, so I booked us a beautiful house on the beach for the week to spend some time together.

Pha and Yo will be staying somewhere else on the beach as a surprise to Beam. I know he misses Yo and I want to make him happy no matter what.


"Hm?" He responds without taking his eyes off his text book. School has been consuming him lately.

"Lets take a trip tomorrow." I brush the hair from his forehead and he gazes at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"A trip?"

"Yeah. I want to go somewhere with you. I already checked your schedule."

"Okay. Sounds good to me." He smiles that beaming smile at me and I almost die. I can't help but lean in and kiss his forehead before caressing my thumb on his cheek. His face flushed from arousal. I could smell it.


"Hm?" I continue to caress his cheek before he reaches his arms out for me. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull so that he is straddling my lap. I run my fingers along his spine causing him to shiver from excitement.

"I want you." He says hugging me closer to him.

"But you have work to do."

He gazed at me before placing his forehead on mine and whispering, "Please.... don't make me beg."

I snapped and pressed my lips against his.

Beam POV

A light moan escaped my mouth as he completely dominated me. I am filled with joy over the fact that he wants to take me somewhere and spend time with me. I don't know where it'll be, but I know that it will be good for sure.

I feel him lay me down on my back before he moves to bite and suck on my neck. "Ah! Forth!" I can't help but whine at the sudden roughness. He's completely distracting, and I'm not even sure how he managed to get all of our clothes off, but now we're lying on the bed completely naked.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He breaths out. I can only nod as a response due to the sensations I am having.

"I love you lips." He kisses me deeply.

"I love your neck" He sucks on it harshly until there's a mark.

"I love how pink your nipples get when I taste them." He blows on my right nipple before sucking roughly on it and doing the same to the left one.

"Ah... wait" I grasp his hair tightly. He moves further down but skips over my manhood and heads for my quivering hole.

"I love how wet you get for me. Just me." He inserts a finger inside me deeply.

"AH Forth!"

"I love when you moan my name." He kisses me and moves his finger quickly brushing against my sweet spot.

"AHHHHHH!" I hold onto him tightly while he inserts another finger.

"I love you Beam. You know that right?"

I nod my head and gasp when I feel a third finger inserted into me. I feel my whole body shake with the need to release. He stops his movement and removes his fingers.

"I love you. My precious omega."

"I love you too my alpha." I say before kissing him gently. "Forever and ever."

He smiles before slowly inserting his manhood inside of me. I hold my breath feeling all of him in me.

"Breathe baby. I got you." He says before starting his movements. I exhale and lock eyes with him. He gently thrusts into me. It's slow but deep.

"Sooo ahhhh good." I run my fingers through his hair.

"Ah Beam.. I love you." He starts to move faster and I feel my release.

"Nghhh I love you too... ahhhhh so much"

He's pounding me roughly while holding me close to him. I feel everything.

"AHHH Forth... I'm close mhhhhmmm"

"Me too baby." He kisses me roughly and I start cumming while moaning into his mouth. I feel him shudder while he cums inside of me.

After our breathing calms down he pulls out of me.

"So much is leaking out." I blush and smack him before hiding my face.

"Don't say embarrassing things."

"Let's shower. We're leaving in the morning for our trip." Forth carries me to the bathroom and cleans me before we get in bed together.

"Goodnight Forth."

"Goodnight Beam."

And with that I drift off to sleep.

Third Person POV

The next day Beam is ecstatic to go on this trip. Although he keeps asking Forth where they are going, he doesn't get a response. After the first two hours, he falls asleep in the car holding Forth's hand. When they arrive, Forth walks to the passenger side to wake Beam up.

"Baby.. Get up. We're here."

"Hm?" He rubs his eyes before looking around.

"Where are we?"

"Why don't you look for yourself?"

Beam slowly gets out of the car and freezes at the scenery. They're on the beach and he's mesmerized by it. Forth comes behind him and back hugs him tightly against his chest.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it!"

"There's also anot-"

"P'BEAM!!!!!!!!!" Before he can finish Yo interrupts running towards Beam. He jumps and hugs him tightly in excitement with Pha behind him.

"You invited Yo and Pha too?"

"I hope that's okay."

"It's perfect." Beam says before kissing Forth. "I love you." Forth smiles before kissing Beam again.

Pha clears his throat. "So are we going to the beach or what?"

"Let's go!" Beam yells before running. Pha follows, but Forth grabs Yo before he can leave.

"Hey I was just wondering. Why the beach?"

"Hasn't P'Beam told you?"

"Told me what?"

"Why he loves your scent so much? His perfect ocean breeze he calls it?"

Forth shakes his head no.

"Well, then I guess you'll have to ask him. Just know, it means the world that out of every scent he gets, yours is the one that is most precious to him." With that Yo leaves Forth standing there to go join the others.


Hi guys. Sorry for the slow updates. I'm back in college and it's hectic but I'm trying. I hope you like this update.

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