Chapter 18

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Third Person POV

Vongviphan Residence

"Have you located him yet?"

"Yes sir. He is currently residing near the university."

"The university?"

"Yes sir. He has been living with your other son Beam sir."

"Beam?" He smirks. "It's been a while since I've seen my eldest son. Bring them both to me."

"Yes sir. Right away."


Beam POV

"Baby!" I run and jump onto Forth giving him a big hug. "I missed you so much!"

Pha scoffs behind me. "Missed him? You literally saw him this morning."

"Pha don't make me angry or I'll pick up Yo right now and have him stay at my house instead." I watched him gulp before immediately shutting up which makes me smirk. 

"How is my lovely brother? Are you treating him well?"

"Yes Beam of course. He's doing great."

"Good. Keep it that way." I go back to hugging Forth while he runs his fingers through my hair. I breathe in his scent. 

"What do you want for lunch baby?" He asks still playing with my hair. 

"Mmmmm can we eat off campus? I wanna go eat lunch with Yo."

"Of course." 

I see Pha staring at me intently waiting for me to say something. "Yes Pha, you can come too."

He smiles brightly and I just roll my eyes before jumping in the car. Pha picks up Yo and meets us at a restaurant. 


He runs and jumps to hug me. I catch him and hug him tightly. 

"Hi buddy! How's school?"

"Good. I miss you lots though."

"Is Pha taking good care of you?"

"Of course. P'Pha is very nice." He blushes and I ruffle his hair. We sit down to have a nice lunch. Yo excuses himself for the restroom. After a while I start to worry because he hasn't come back yet. 

"Baby I'm going to go and check on Yo. He's been gone a while." He nods and I stand up and head for the restroom. I open the door and look around. "Yo are you still in here?" I look in every stall but I don't see him anywhere. I start to feel panicked. "Yo?" I exit the bathroom and start looking around the restaurant frantically. Forth must have been able to sense something was wrong because he immediately comes over.

"Beam what's wrong?"

"I can't find Yo!"

"Okay calm down. Pha and I will help you look." I nod my head and we split up. 

I walk outside and go around the back looking. I notice a black SUV behind the restaurant. That looks like one of my father's cars. "Yo!" I start running and see two of my father's men trying to shove him into the car.

"P'Beam run!" I turn to see that I'm surrounded by guys.

"Baramee Vongviphan. You are coming with us." 

"No. I'm not." I say. One of the jumps to tackle me and I duck out of the way. I've been going to self defense class ever since P'Ren happened so I can protect myself better. I feel another one try and grab my shoulder. I grab their arm and flip their body over mine. Before I can recover I feel a swift kick to the stomach. I stagger on my feet and throw the guys off my brother. 

"P'Beam are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" He nods helping me stand. We turn around just to be surrounded. 

"I'm sorry but your father wants you both home."

"We're not going anywhere with you." I yell. One of them tries to grab Yo again and I protect him with my body. "Hold on tight and don't let go okay?" Yo clutches me tightly while they are trying to pry us off each other. 

"Beat them." My dad's security guard says. They surround us and I shield Yo with my body. I feel them kick and punch my back. I hear a crack on my right side and I cough up blood but I refuse to let Yo go. My vision is starting to get blurry. 


I feel P'Beam start to pass out. He's coughing up blood on me while he protects me. I start crying. "Help!!! Someone help us!!!" 

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I hear someone and then the beating stops. I feel P'Beam lose his grip on me and look at his face. Bruises and blood.

"Are you okay P'Beam?" He slowly nods his head. 

"Yo! Beam!" I look to see P'Pha while P'Forth is still beating up those guys. 

"Please. Help him" I'm crying trying to hold onto P'Beam while he's slipping out of my grasp. 

"Beam!" Forth rushes over. He looks like he's about to pass out. 

"Don't worry. I called an ambulance. It's on its way here now okay?" P'Pha caresses my face and wipes the tears from my eyes. "Is P'Forth okay?"

"Yeah. He's just sharing Beam's pain right now. They'll be okay." I watch the paramedics come. It takes a minute for them to get Beam to let go of me. P'Forth tells him it's okay and that I'm okay before he finally lets go and lets them take him. I sit in P'Pha's lap and cry while he tries to calm me down. 

"He'll be okay."

Forth POV

I feel like I'm passing out while I ride in the ambulance. We get to the hospital and I sit outside the ER waiting for news. Pha and Yo join me in the waiting room. Yo is trying to keep me awake giving me water to help. After what feels like forever I see the doctor emerge. I stagger to my feet.

"How is he?"

"He suffered from two broken ribs as well as some internal bleeding which we were able to stop through surgery. He also suffered some light head trauma from the beating, but he just has a concussion. Nothing serious. How are you feeling? You're his fated pair right."

"Yes sir. I'm okay. A little dizzy but nothing serious."

"Good. He is going to need you right now. He will heal quicker if he can sense you next to him."

"Can I see him now?"

"We're transferring him to a regular room. Then you can go and see him alright?"

I sit back down and wait. I decide to make a quick phone call. "Dad, I need your help." I explain to him what happened and he says he'll investigate before hanging up. 

"You can come in now." The nurse startles me before I slowly enter. I see Beam sleeping soundly in the bed. I sit on the edge and hold his hand trying not to wake him. 

"I promise this won't happen to you or Yo again."


Another update. Let me know what you think.

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