Chapter 2: SkyDen and Skype

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(Stampy's POV)

The first episode of SkyDen was a success. Everyone loved Sqaishey. Her voice, her character.

I decide to subscribe to Sqaishey's channel, which has been growing enormously since the 1st episode of SkyDen.

After a few episodes of SkyDen, people start commenting things like:

You should date!

You're perfect for each other!

I shake it off. I think of it as something people are just saying like what happened with Amy and I.

I decide to message Sqaishey and ask her whether she would like to Skype.

Sqaishey gets straight back to me replying:

Sure. I'll open Skype now.

I walk to my room and turn on my computer. I start feeling nervous. What if she hates me? How I look?

A small voice inside me says I shouldn't care what she thinks. But I do care.

Sqaishey's call request pops up on screen and I answer it as a video call.

I wait a few seconds for the webcams to load in properly...

She was beautiful. Just beautiful. Everything about her. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. Her long brown hair gleamed in the sunlight, her eyes danced with happiness.

I just sat, transfixed to the face on that screen. "Hi..." Sqaishey says, breaking the awkward silence. "Can i ki...." What am I saying?! I can't kiss her! I just met her! "Can you..." Sqaishey says, trying to jog my memory. "Nothing." I wish I could have thought of a better excuse.

"I just wondered where you got that poster." I say, quickly making up an excuse.

"Oh... Um.... I got them for Christmas." she said, sounding a little disappointed.

Another awkward silence. But after 3 long minutes of shame, Sqaishey finally speaks up.

"So what are you calling about?"

I forgot. I completely, honestly forgot. "I guess I just wanted to say hello. " i said. She smiled.

Awkward feelings fall away and nervous and romantic feelings. Wow. I feel butterflies in my tummy. And I'm not just saying that. I can feel the wings fluttering, my heart pounding away 10 times faster then normal.

"Anyway, I have to go record, so I'll see you soon." I say.

"Byeeeeeee!" she giggles.

As I turn off Skype, I realise something.

I'm in love with Sqaishey Quack.


Author's Note


Action Packed Chapter!!!

Any teenage boys reading- can you describe to me what you feel when you love a girl? I was just guessing.

Because there's going to be more lovey dovey stuff... (Obviously)




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