Chapter 29: Shopping

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Stampy's POV

The baby is almost due. It's due in 3 weeks, and you can feel the excitement in the air.

I suggest we should go shopping for baby clothes and furniture, things we will need for the baby.

And so we are now walking into the baby section of the apartment store, having no clue what to buy.

"Maybe start with the crib? That will be the easiest as we don't need to know the gender." Sqaishey suggests.

We wander around the cribs, looking at prices and pointing designs we like out to each other. We decide on a very stable looking wooden crib, and while it's one of the most expensive there, it looks the stablest out of them all.

We then go over to the clothes, picking out mostly white clothing, but Sqaishey sees a cute top with a duck on it, and above it are the words; 'Little Ducky'.

We put it in the trolley and head towards the other things we will need to care for our soon-to-be-born child.

*Time Skip*

After what seems like days, we finish the baby shopping and sit down for a nice afternoon tea in a cafe in the shopping centre.

Sqaishey and I are talking when two small girls approach us shyly.

"You are Sqaishey and Stampy, right?" The slightly older one says.

We nod and the two girls faces light up with joy. "Um, well, we sent you a letter. Did you get it?"

"What are your names?" Sqaishey asks nicely.

"I'm Amy, and this is my younger sister Jasmine. And over there," the older girl says, pointing to a lady with a small baby, "is my mum and my youngest sister, Penny! She's only 10 months old, but I'm sure she'll be a big fan of you guys like us when she's older!"

"Yeah, we did read your letter. In fact, it was one of the first ones we read!" I say, and the two girls faces light up with joy.

The two girls' mum walks over to us.

"If you don't mind, may we have a picture?" she asks.

"Sure! Huddle in, girls!" Sqaishey says, and we smile for the photo.

The two girls say thank you and goodbye, and they skip off happily with their mother.

When Sqaishey and I get home, I go back onto the baby names site, as it's getting closer to the due date.

Then I have an idea for a name.


And you will never know...

Until the last chapter, which is only a few chapters away!!!

:) As always, hope you enjoyed!

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