Chapter 7: Jealousy

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(Squid's POV)

Sqaishey and Stampy came back last night, hand in hand. That can only mean one thing.

They love each other.

This morning, I tagged along with them for the whole day; I didn't have work.

There was little hints all day.

When Sqaishey was coughing, Stampy got her some water, and then put his arm around her.

And, when they thought no one was watching, they kissed.

There was other things too.

I realised that they really loved each other.

But bad luck for Stampy, Sqaishey said she had to go for a few hours to do some things.


But I guess I have to admit it.

I love Sqaishey.

I know she is with Stampy and all, but I really do want her.

Maybe I'm the one who broke Stampy's bed, just because I wanted her to myself...

I do agree, that is pretty selfish. But I don't want Stampy and Sqaishey, to... do anything.

Then what chance do I have of getting Sqaishey?

I sigh.

I wish Stampy didn't fall in love with Sqaishey.

I wish I was with her.

I wish she was still that little English girl on the swing.


Hey guys,

Sorry it was short, just a filler chapter, I wasn't going to even have this chapter till later, but it sorta fits in now. It just reveals a few things...


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