Chapter 3: Visiting Stampy

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(Sqaishey's POV)

I wonder why Stampy skyped me? Well, I guess he was curious to see what I looked like. Now he's probably wanting to stop doing videos with me. He couldn't have chosen a worse day to Skype. When I had just gotten out of bed and still in my pyjamas, my hair looking like I'd been in World War 2.

I hurriedly get dressed before checking my channel and going through comments.

"Why don't you and Stampy date?"

"If you two don't kiss, I'm disliking and unsubscribing on all of your videos!"

I ignore it, as I usually do with hater comments but it doesn't stop me from thinking about it. Even if Stampy liked me, would we tell the world we were dating? Stampy and me dating? Impossible.

But I have to admit, I do have a teeny crush on Stampy... Maybe a little crush... Maybe a big crush on Stampy. But he could never feel the same way about me. Could he?

A relationship with Stampy flashes before my eyes. Would a relationship work between us? I knew he had a girlfriend before, and their relationship didn't work out so well. I didn't want to ruin our friendship by rushing into a relationship.

My thoughts are interrupted by a shrill ringing coming from my phone. I answer and hear Stampy's cheerful voice.

"Hi Sqaishey." Stampy said. I say a quick hello back before Stampy continues talking.

"I wondered... if youwantedtovisitmenextweekend." Stampy rushed. I couldn't understand him. "Can you repeat that, please?" I ask nicely.

I heard Stampy inhale and exhale before asking: "Do you want to visit me next weekend?" he asked nervously.

Stampy? Visit him in real life?

"Of course I want to!" I exclaim. I can hear a faint sigh of relief coming from the phone. We talk about some of the details; where we going to meet, what time, etc.

As soon as I got off the phone, I run into my room and flop onto my bed. I stare at the ceiling, with a grin I couldn't get off my face. I was going to visit Stampy!

(Time Skip to on the train)

My breath fogs up the window as I stare at the countryside whizzing past. I open my phone and check my messages. Nothing yet. I had only been in contact with Stampy once since that phone call; two hours ago when he said he was leaving for the station and that he'd text me when he got there. In the distance I can see the chimney smoke from nearby towns, hoping one of them is where Stampy is supposed to be waiting.

I check my Twitter for any messages. Just one from my mum saying goodbye. I decide to play some music. I put it on shuffle and end up on my song; What a Beautiful Day.

(Play song) I start to drift off, my head lying against the window, my eyes closed.

If you look around this world

open your eyes to see and behold

the adventure's all around

without you all I wouldn't even found how to-

say hey what a beautiful day

say hey what a beautiful day

with a smile on your face you're at the right place

take your time and say hey

what a beautiful day

the journey has only begun

take my wing and we can have some fun

Server Surfing playing games

Helping me to find a way

Living in the sky come and fly fly fly

say hey what a beautiful day

say hey what a beautiful day

with a smile on your face you're at the right place

take your time and say hey

what a beautiful day

A new milestone we have gained

All this fun keeps me entertained

A new milestone we have gained

All this fun keeps me entertained

say hey what a beautiful day

say hey what a beautiful day

with a smile on your face you're at the right place

take your time and say hey

what a beautiful day

say hey what a beautiful day

say hey what a beautiful day

with a smile on your face you're at the right place

take your time and say hey

Sing loud for 50k!

I wake just in time to see the train pull into the station. I look out the window and see no one I know standing there.

I grab my heavily packed suitcase and step onto the platform. I sit down at a little wooden seat and wait patiently.

But after two hours of waiting and on-and-off rain, I grew impatient. I was about to look at departure train times back home, but then I saw a worried looking man with brown curly hair.

He turned around and our eyes met.

"Hi, Stampy." I say.

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