Chapter 6: Police

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(Stampy's POV)

Amazing. If I had to explain that moment in one word the word would be amazing.

Sqaishey loves me! She kissed me! Gosh, that is amazing. See, that word again.

After that, we walked in silence the whole way home. I could tell she felt a bit awkward. But before we went in the house, I stopped her.

"Sqaishey?" I say.

Sqaishey looks up shyly, and replies.


"Well, I just wanted to admit... I sorta have a crush on you too."

I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Now we both know we love each other.

"Since we both... like each other," Sqaishey starts. An awkward feeling sets in.

"Would that be called a crush?"

"Um, maybe." I say. "I guess if we wanted to keep it that way. You know, like it never happened."

"I don't think I want to keep it that way." Sqaishey says. "It would be too hard to get out of my mind."

I swallow hard and speak. "So... You mean..."

"Would you like to go out with me?" Sqaishey says, rather shakily.

"Sure." I say.

Well, that was awkward.

We walk together and open the door to the apartment. Somehow, our hands find each other. And when they interlock, I smile.

We walk in and see Squid, who would have got here seconds before us. He puts down his bag and mutters that he is going to bed.

We start to walk to my room.

"I'm sorry about waking you up. I just... needed to." Sqaishey says. But she avoids my gaze. Like she's hiding something.

"That's ok." I say, still wondering about Sqaishey.

I turn to see my room is a mess. Clothes everywhere, glass smashed and my bed broken. In bits.

Sqaishey and I just stand and gape at my room.

I hear Sqaishey give a small whimper.

"Squid?!" I say loudly to him, still staring at my room.

I hear Squid walk in the room.

"Whoa, what happened?!" Squid says to me.

"I have no idea! Sqaishey and I just walked in!"

"Maybe we should call the police..." interrupts Sqaishey.

Squid shakes his head. "Is it really that bad?"

"We could be dealing with a burglar here! Or even a murderer!" I say. Sqaishey rushes out of the room to call the police.

*Time Skip*

Sqaishey's POV

I sit alone in Stampy and Squid's living room, waiting for the cops to question me.

A tall, female cop walked in. At closer look she had dusty blonde hair and green eyes.

"Bethany, isn't it?" she asks. I nod, realising I haven't been called that for a while.

"We have most of the information already. But we would just like to know whether you had any suspects."

Should I? Should I tell her my suspicions about John?

"Well, there is one person..." I say hesitantly.

She clicks her pen, and looks at me, a sign to tell her about it.

"His name is John, and he would be... 19? Yeah, 19. And he used to go to my high school...

*Another Time Skip*

"Thank you for your time, Bethany."

"Thanks for coming..." I look at her name tag. "... Joanne."

She smiles and walks out of the room.

"Sqaishey?" Stampy says as he walks in the room a few minutes later.

I look up, to say I'm listening.

"You might have to sleep in Squid's room... I really don't want you to sleep on the couch, but Squid has a spare bed in his room." says Stampy apologetically.

"That's fine." I say.

But I don't think I am.

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