Chapter 8: Symptoms

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Sqaishey's POV

I walk into Squid's room, feeling uncomfortable.

I sit on the spare bed, sipping water and sit down.

I realise it wasn't just an uncomfortable feeling. I felt a pain in my chest. And I had a headache.

I knew that I probably just was sick. I was a bit sick before I came to visit Stampy. I ignored it. I go into the bathroom and take some pain killer medicine. To pass some time while I wait for the pain killer to kick in, I decide to go and upload tonight's video a bit early.

I open my laptop and open YouTube and smile. I have reached 100,000 subscribers. I upload today's video as well as my 100,000 subscribers special. I can't believe that I reached 100,000 subscribers! My joyous celebration was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Sqaishey, can I come in?" I hear Stampy's voice ask.

"Yeah." I say.

The door opens and I see Stampy standing there. I smile.

"I just reached 100,000 subscribers!" I say happily, but still feeling sick inside.

"That's awesome!" says Stampy.

I feel a cough coming, and bring a tissue up to my mouth. But then it passes.

"Are you ok?" Stampy says. I nod.

He looks unconvinced, but he walks out of the room without saying a word.

I feel another cough coming and so I lift the tissue up to my mouth and this time I do cough.

I cough into the tissue. I rush out of the room, dropping the tissue.

I don't think it was just a cold...

It couldn't be that bad a cold, could it?

I replay the moment in my mind. I coughed into the tissue. And I looked down at the tissue... And it was dripping with a red liquid.

There was blood on the tissue.

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