Chapter 16: The Hearing

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Sqaishey's POV

"Are you nervous?" Stampy asks me, as we sit waiting for the judge to enter.

"A little, yeah."

"Well, don't be. I'm here, every step of the way."

I smile, but immediately go back to solemn.

"Cheer up, little ducky."

And for a moment I do.

Then the judge walks in.

(Authors Note: I don't know how the court works, so this is just my guess)

"Order!" She says.

"We are here to decide about the punishment of John Henry Spencer, who has records of:

Sexual Abuse,
Verbal Abuse,
Minor damage to personal property,
Minor impersonation.

We now will discuss, starting with John."

David, or John stands.

"I plead innocent." he says.

I sigh. What's he going to do against this?

"I don't know what I've done. My twin brother John, locked me up for weeks. He just got me out and told me I needed to go to court. My name is David, not John."

I gasp. Could he be telling the truth? Could he be the wrong person?

Everyone else is discussing this too. The chatter rises in the room.

"Order!" She says.

The chatter dies down.

"Ok, you have spoken. Now Bethany will speak."

I stand shakily. Then I feel a warm hand hold mine.

"I do not know if this is the right person. But what I do know is that a John Henry Spencer, murdered my best friend. Katie was said to have committed suicide, but I received a letter from my mother and Katie's mother. They had found evidence that John killed and bullied her. Sexually and verbally.

As long as that John Spencer I just described comes out of here with a fine, a jail sentence or whatever punishment is deserved, I'll be happy.

I sit.

"Thank you, Bethany."

"The court will be adjourned for an hour to allow time for police officials to investigate this." The judge says, banging her -.

And so we adjourn, to wait an hour for the decision to be made.

"We have evidence that this man is not John Henry Spencer, but David Andrew Spencer." The judge says.

"There will be no charges against this man who is in fact the REAL David Spencer," she says gesturing to the nervous man in the seat. "John will receive 1 year and 9 months in jail for his crimes."

"So we thought he was Squid, but he was actually Squids twin brother?" I asked Stampy.

"It looks like that..." He says.

And as we drive back to the apartment, I think about it.

Is the real Squid innocent?

And as Stampy and I jump into bed, I dream.

About a life with Stampy.

The John problem is out of the way.

Now all I have to worry about is the tuberculosis.

Because it was so short, I'm going to update another chapter of Ducky Love tonight, along with my Christmas special! Who's excited?!


Sorry, I'm a bit crazy cause its Christmas Eve day where I am :) 😜

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