Chapter 4: Nightmares

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(Stampy's POV)

I turned to see a young girl with beautiful eyes and amazing brown hair.

"Hi, Stampy." she said.

"Hi..." I say, still mesmerised. I see she is soaking wet.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get here on time. There was a big traffic lineup and my phone went dead." I apologise.

"Oh that's ok..." she says. But I think she doesn't fully mean it.

I take her over to my car and open the door.

"Ladies first." I say, gesturing into the front seat.

We get in and start to drive to my apartment. We casually talk about our channels, Minecraft, ideas for our SkyDen series.

"We could build a snail themed park!" Sqaishey says.

"That's such a good idea! We can start tomorrow." I say.

20 minutes later, when we get to the apartment and I am finally able to unlock the door, I am greeted by a friendly face. It's Squid, and he has made us a delicious looking spaghetti bolognaise!

"Wow, Squid, this is great!" Sqaishey says, looking impressed.

I feel a little jealous. I left Sqaishey alone in the rain for 2 hours, and Squid makes her dinner.

I can tell who she'd rather for a boyfriend.

We sit down all together and eat our dinner while watching a Doctor Who episode. I haven't watched Doctor Who in ages, but I still understand most of what's going on.

Later, I realise we only have 2 rooms.

"Sqaishey?" I say while the Doctor is in the middle of a fight with some Daleks. She looks over to me. Gosh, she is beautiful. "We only have two rooms, so would you like me to get the spare bed out for you? You can sleep in my room if you want."

"If it's not too much trouble." she says.

"Oh, not at all!" I say.

I stand up, set up the spare bed in my room for Sqaishey, then go and wash up everyone's dishes. Finally something nice I do for Sqaishey!

At about 10:30, we head off to bed. I watch Sqaishey get ready for bed. She's so damn beautiful. I love the way she smiles, her blonde highlight in her hair, her voice (she is an amazing singer).

I've realised that I love her, and I can't get over it. So I just accept it and keep it a secret.

I realise while I've been daydreaming, the lights have gone off and Sqaishey is sleeping peacefully on the bed.

I close my eyes and keep that picture in my mind. Her face, smiling as she sleeps. Her hair, is so beautiful she looks like an angel...

Sqaishey's POV

One small girl sits on a swing, alone. Her brown hair is blowing in the wind, but even being alone won't dampen her spirits.

A boy about her age walks by, mesremised by her. He walks up to her.

The girl got off the swing and started to back off from the boy.

"What's your name?" he asks.

"My mum told me not to talk to strangers." she said in a very British accent, staring at the ground and dragging her foot along it.

"I'm not a stranger." The boy says. "I have seen you at school before. First time I saw you, I thought you were an angel."

The girl smiles and looks up at the boy. "Beth." She says. "I'd rather be called that than Bethany."

"Ok, Beth." the boy says, and they both start to grin.


"Hey, Beth?" John says as a young teenage girl walks down the hall of high school lockers.

"I was kinda wondering... Would you like to go out with me?"


"No, John!" a beautiful young girl yells at a angry man.

"I don't care what you can do to make up for it. What you said to me and my friends is something that can never be apologised for." the girl says.

The man starts to stutter. "I... I can... I can change..." he says, but the girl interrupts. "No." she says.

The man now has a fiery glare in his eyes. "One day, I will find revenge. I will make you pay for dumping me!"

I wake, sweating everywhere, hyperventilating. I have these nightmares every night, and each one brings back memories with John.

But now, with my love for Stampy, I'm afraid to know what revenge means.

I look over at Stampy sleeping. He looks so cute with his curly hair just hanging off his forehead. I feel so bad that I have to wake him.

"Stampy?" I whisper nudging thim. He wakes and is alert when he sees me.

"What's going on? Sqaishey?" he asks, starting to panic.

"Everything's ok." I reassure him. "I just had a nightmare and wanted some company."

He holds open the sheets, inviting me to get in. When I slip in the bed, it's warm. Stampy holds me and we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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