Chapter 26: Coma

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Stampy's POV

I feel myself being taken to heaven.

It wasn't that bad. I was unconscious before I hit the ground, so I felt no pain.

I see a bright light, blinding me, but I head towards it anyways.

Then suddenly it's dark again.
And the darkness prevails the light.

For a very long time. Which seems like forever.

But then, I hear voices, one ringing desperately over the others.

"Stampy? Stampy, can you hear me? Please wake up. It's been 3 months since the accident, they're starting to think you'll never wake up. But I know you will. I'm sure you can hear me. I hit my head when I was little, went into a coma. But I could still hear everything. Just move a little."

I try to reach out to the owner of the crying voice. But I couldn't move.

"I know it's hard. You want to move but you can't. Just try. Fight it, Stampy."

I reach out my hand. But it doesn't budge. I think I'm trying so much I'm sweating. Then I realise I'm not sweating . My body isn't letting me even do that.

"I guess you can't move. That's ok. Its impossible almost. I know. Anyways, our baby's getting bigger now. It's basically halfway there. I posted a video just saying that you were in a coma. You got a lot of letters." Sqaishey says sadly.

I want to touch her. Let her know I'm going to wake up. For my family. For my fans. For my child. For her.

"Do you want me to read some fan mail?"

"Yes." I try to say, nothing coming out.

"This one's from Justin in London."

"To Stampy,
Hi, I'm Justin and I'm 12.
Sqaishey told us you are in a coma. I hope you get better soon. Also, congrats on the child! I hope it's a boy!

Get well soon,

"And this one's from Jasmine and Amy in New York.

"Hi Stampy.

Sqaishey told us that you were in hospital. We hope you get better soon. We drew a picture of you and Lee in the Funland, and we hope you get back to your videos soon.

From Jasmine (aged 4) and Amy (aged 6)."

There is silence for a few minutes.

"Stampy, please wake up!" She cries desperately, grabbing my hand.

If I could, I'd be bursting with tears. But my body's not letting me.

I fight so hard. I muster up all the strength I can and try to squeeze her hand.

And she gasps.


Just to clear it up,

Sqaishey fainted... She basically was very stressed. She went to hospital too, but only had to stay for a few days as she only passed out due to shock, not in a 3 month coma!!

Thanks NerdSoupesYo... You basically voted on the whole book :) So here's the next chapter. Also awesome_owl13 voted!

Hope you enjoyed!

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