Chapter 13: Switched

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Sqaishey's POV

I wake to light pouring in the window, the rays of sunshine on my face.

It's a beautiful day.

I rub my eyes and swing my feet around to get up.

As I walk into the kitchen, I smell bacon and hear the sound of a frypan sizzling.

"No more breakfast in bed?" I say, teasing him.

"It's your turn." he says, smiling, plating up the bacon on my toast.

"I'll cook dinner tonight. Besides, women love men who can cook." I smile as our hands join.

I hold him tight as he leans in for a kiss. And I accept.

For a few minutes we just stand there, enjoying the moment.

Then I let go and grab my plate.

"Let's eat." I say.

*Time Skip*

I sit at the dining table, rereading the letter I was sent from my mother.

Stampy was out shopping for groceries, and I wanted to surprise him when he got back.

So I cleaned the apartment up and now I sit resting.

When I go to David's court hearing, I will hand them this letter.

And he might go to jail.

Then Stampy and I can live
peacefully... Well, until I die.

I think I hear a noise behind me. I cock my head, at full attention.

And at my window, is David.

I step back, looking around for a weapon in case he attacks me again.

He holds his hands up. "I'm not here to hurt you. I came to talk."

"Well, why don't you wait till we're both dead? It's obvious it's going to happen soon." I say, but immediately realise what I've said.

"How are you at risk of dying? I'm not touching you." He says, confused.

"Never mind." I say quickly, a little too quickly. David narrows his eyebrows and jumps in the room.

I step back.

"I came to apologise."

"For what? Hitting me? Panicking my boyfriend? Murdering my best friend?"

"You know she committed suicide."

"No, you killed her. I heard it from her myself."

David looks puzzled. "How..."

I hand him the letter.

"Now get out of my apartment before a pick up a frying pan and hit you. And don't worry, it works."

"It's not your apartment. It's Stampy's." David says.

"Well, I live here now instead of you."

We both turn our heads to hear the door unlocking.

David jumps back onto the window.

"I'll talk later." he says.

And then he disappears.

But then I realise.

He disappeared with Katie's letter.

Was it an accident? I don't think so.

"How's my little duckie?!" Stampy says as he comes in the door, shopping bags in his hands.

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