Chapter 31: Labour

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Sqaishey's POV

Stampy and I finished the spring cleaning yesterday, even though Stampy made me stop early. Just because I'm in my final trimester and my stomach's getting bigger, doesn't mean I have to sit around like a lump of cheese.

We start to make our baby's bedroom, using the things we bought when we went shopping.

"Do you want to paint the walls?" Stampy asks. "I'll make the crib and stuff; I don't want you getting hurt."

I roll my eyes. "Fine." I say.

We decide on a nice beige colour, so if it's a boy we don't have a pink bedroom, and vice versa.

I grab the roller and dip it into the paint.

I stretch it up to the highest point in the wall and start to paint.

Stampy and I laugh as we 'accidentally' put paint on each other.

But as I start on the final wall, I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. Surely...

Then, Stampy sees my face turn from happiness to horror. I feel my water break.

"Is it-" he says.

I nod.

It's 2 weeks before I'm due...

For a moment we both just stand there.
Then I start to feel pain.

"Ahhh..." I say.

Then we start to spring into action.
Stampy and I rush to the car. It's a painful process, but we make it to the car.

Stampy drives as fast as he can to the hospital.

I try to keep calm. It's hard when there is a person trying to force its way out of you.

I ignore the stabbing pains in my stomach and try to take deep breaths.

In. Out. In. Owwww....t.

I wince as Stampy parks and attempts to get me out of the car.

I run as fast as I can, Stampy at my side, into the hospital doors.

We rush to the reception.

"Sqaishey- I mean Beth's having... Her baby!" He puffs.

What happens next is a blur.

But I'm laying in a hospital bed, nurses and doctors all around me, and I can only think one thing:

The baby is coming.



You can do it Sqaishey! 👊

(That was meant to be a fist pump)

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