Chapter 14: The Wrong People

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Sqaishey's POV

"We're almost there, little Ducky. Just keep walking."

I can see the town on the horizon, but my legs feel like jelly. I feel like I could collapse any second.

I look over at Stampy. I love him. I pulled him into this. I never should have met him. But then again, my life wouldn't be the same without him.

As we stumble into the town, the first thing we do is go to a motel.

But as we reach reception, someone starts to scream.

"It's those murderers of the radio!" a woman screams.

But I don't move or react. I pretend no woman has screamed, I pretend there aren't people backing away from us, like we have a disease that they don't want to catch.

Then I realise I do have a disease.

I walk to the reception lady and ask for a booking.

"Any spare rooms we can book into?" I ask her.

She stands and gapes at us and nods her head.

"Thanks a lot. How much?" I say, taking out my card.

"$124 for 2 nights..." She whispers, giving me my room key as I pay.

"Thanks again." I say.

Everyone in the room has stopped screaming, and stares at us.

I wish they wouldn't. It made it so much awkwarder than it already was.

Stampy kisses me on the cheek, and I calm down.

We go to our room and immediately sit down.

I take off my shoes and massage my feet. They have countless blisters.

"That was so awkward!" I say to Stampy.

Then I hear my stomach rumble.

"Hungry?" I say to Stampy.

"Let's get room service!" He says, smiling.

*Time Skip*

Stampy and I are sitting there laughing and talking while we eat the motel's pizza, when we hear a knock at the door.

I go over and open it.

It's the police.

"May we come in?" He asks.

"Sure!" I say, standing aside to let them in.

"We are here to arrest you for murder." He says.

"Murder?" I say, trying to sound confused, and I'm lucky I did so many drama classes when I was little.

"Yes. You murdered a girl, Katie." He says.

I try to get tears in my eyes. "What are you talking about? Are you saying I murdered my best friend?" I say, speaking with a tear in my eye.

"You bullied her, he got her pregnant, you murdered her." The police officer says.

"Where did you get this information from? Sounds exactly what John did to her."

The police officer looks confused. "Who's John?"

"Well, in high school he was John. But now he changed his name to David."

"Are you saying that David has been lying this whole time?" The police officer says.

"You've got the wrong people. I would rather kill myself than murder Katie. Stampy wouldn't hurt a fly unless it threatened his loved ones."

Stampy speaks up for the first time. "David stole a letter from Beth that was from Katie."

Then I got an idea.

"Can you take us to our apartment... Harrison?" I say to the officer.

"I have some evidence."

*another Time Skip*

"Here is the letter from my mother that was attached to the letter from Katie." I say, handing it to the officer.

He reads it in silence. Then, he rings someone who I know will be my saviour. Joanne.

"Hey, Jo. Can you come investigate this? I got a young couple here at the apartment you were at a few days ago."

Joanne speaks.

"Ok, thanks Jo." The police officer says before hanging up.

And when Joanne gets here, she saves me.

It gets cleared up that we are not the suspects anymore.

And David's hearing is tomorrow.

I still have Stampy in one piece.

For now.

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