Chapter 15: Losing and Winning

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Sqaishey's POV.

It's about 6:00pm I realise he's missing.

I call out his name. No reply.

He said he was in the loungeroom.

But he wasn't.

All that was there was a piece of paper, a note.

You will regret the day you met me.

I have Stampy. You probably know that by now. I don't care if I go to jail.

I just want to kill Stampy, so you can feel the heartbreak I felt when you broke up with me.

If you want to save him, meet me in the park at midnight tonight.

Don't be late.


I start to panic. But I have to keep my cool.

I need to be sneaky.

And I have one idea of how to do it.

I reach for my phone and ring Joanne.

"I need one more request before the hearing tomorrow." I say.
"Can you do one last rescue?"

*Time Skip*

If you know what you're looking for, you can see the police officers, hiding in the park trees.

It's 11:50 and David should be here any second. I sit on the park bench, fidgeting a fair bit.

And at 11:59, I see two figures in the fog.

It's David and Stampy.

I want to run to Stampy and take him away. But I stick to the plan.

"Glad you could make it." He smirks.

"Ok, I want him alive. What do I have to do?"

"Dump him. Forget about him. Go out with me." David says simply.

"Ok. But first I want to hear your story. Then maybe I can forgive you..." I say.

"Not a chance." I think in my head. I'd never forgive him.

He sighs. "I did kill Katie. But it was the only way I thought I could get your attention.

I want to punch him so bad, but I resist it. Some crazy person you must be to think you'd win my attention by killing my friend.

"I DID get your attention. But not in a good way. So after I finished school, I changed my identity, and took up video gaming. I met Stampy and he seemed like a nice guy."

My eyes flick to Stampy, held tightly by David, his mouth taped and tied up with rope.

"But when you started going out with Stampy, I realised that I needed to get rid of Stampy. Otherwise I would have no chance with you."

"So I trashed his room. You wouldn't be able to sleep in his room, which would separate you from him." David says.

"What about the radio station thing? Impersonating me?" I ask him.

I realised that if I wanted to stay away from getting caught, I needed someone or something to blame it on. And when you passed me that letter, I realised this was the perfect thing.

"We had to run away!" I say.

"I know. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" David says.

Here we go. This plan better work.

"Close your eyes." I say.


"I can't forgive if you don't trust."

David slowly closes his eyes. I lean in, like I'm about to kiss him and beckon the police to come down now.

"I guess, I can forgive you."

He keeps his eyes closed.

"Really?" he says. And he actually believes it.

The police are surrounding us, guns pointing.

I step back a few steps.

"Never!" I yell.

David blinks his eyes, then they open with shock.

"We heard the whole thing." One policeman said.

"I recorded it!" Joanne exclaims.

And David accepts defeat, and put his hands up to surrender.

Stampy, free of David's grip, runs to me.

I untie the ropes and take off the tape.

And our lips crash together.

"I feel like it's a rollercoaster." I say. "One moment I'm on top of the world. Then I fall back down."

"I'm losing and winning." Stampy says.

We hold each other tight. We've been through so much.

Little did I know this was only the first hurdle.

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