Chapter 19: Finding Out

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Sqaishey's POV

The doctor smiles as we walk in. "Welcome, Beth! And..."

"Joseph." Stampy says.

"Ah, yes. And you've come to get your first photo of the little one."

I nod and smile. It's 6 weeks since I found out I was positive. We booked an ultrasound and ended up with the doctor that tested me for tuberculosis.

"Ok, so follow me to the ultrasound room." He says, walking out of the room.

"Is Sta- Is Joseph allowed to come?" I ask.

"Oh, yes. The baby's got his DNA too."

We follow the doctor through the hospital corridors until we reached a big room. It had a big screen, a hospital bed and a few machines.

"Just lay on your back down here, and lift your shirt up."

I do what he says and straight after I feel a cool ticklish gel on my stomach.

I almost giggle. But I stay still. Stampy watches the screen anxiously, but nothing is visible yet.

The doctor looks at the screen with an expression of concentration.

After a few minutes, he says calmly;


And I look at the screen and I don't see its body parts, but I see a dark blur

"Would you like to know the gender? We can't tell right now, but later in the pregnancy we can." the doctor asks.

I look at Stampy.

"Maybe keep it a surprise?" he says.

"Yeah." I say.

I take a quick look at the screen, at my child, before I ask the doctor if I can go to the bathroom.

Stampy's POV

Sqaishey walks out of the room and I'm left with the doctor.

"Here are the pictures." he says, passing me a folder.

"Thanks." I say.

"So it must be hard." The doctor says, starting some conversation.

"Not really." I say.

"Really? If it was my girlfriend I'd be worried if she was going to die."

Die? What is this guy talking about? Is he crazy?

"Die?" I say, confused.

"Didn't you know? Beth's had it for a year now."

He judged by my utterly confused face I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Beth has tuberculosis."


Sorry the last few chapters have been so short! The next chapter might be short, but after that they will be longer!


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