Chapter 32: Little Ducky

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Sqaishey's POV

*If you want to, play 'Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) now'*

The pain is getting unbearable now.

I hear a voice saying;

"Now, Beth. It's going to hurt, but you have to push as hard as you can. Just think of you holding you newborn in your arms. That's what you achieve. Just keep pushing."

I'm sure I'm pushing so hard I'm going to die. I start to cry a little bit. Pain is almost everything. But I try to think of me holding my child in my arms.

And the pain seems to lessen.

Just a bit. I keep pushing. As hard as I can.

"I can see the head!" I hear a doctor say.

Stampy's by my side, and holding my hand.

I squeeze it as a stabbing of pain comes.

"Sorry." I whisper to Stampy.

Then I hear something different to all the noise around me.

A cry. A baby's cry.

"Joseph? Would you like to deliver your first child into the world?" I hear a nurse say, the same nurse that told me to think about me and my baby.

Stampy, shaking, lets go of my hand.

It takes longer than I expected.

And then, I feel relief. It still hurts, but it's done.

I hear Stampy swear, and I'm not sure whether it's happy or not.

"Stampy?" I say, wearily.

And then, I see him, staring at TWO small baby girls in his arms.

Two babies? We had twins? How did no one see it on the ultrasounds?

He looks at the girls with unconditional love, and I smile, forgetting the fact we didn't know. He's going to be a great father.

"I didn't have babies for you to hold them the whole time!" I say laughing.

And Stampy smiling still, hands me the small little girls.

And it was worth it. Every bit of pain in my life. Because now, I have two beautiful little girls.

"Penelope." I hear Stampy say.

"Penelope?" I answer. That wasn't on the list of names we chose out.

"Yeah, one of them... Penelope."

"What does it mean?" I ask Stampy, confused.

"Little Ducky."



Don't judge me... I may be crying right now.

That is the end of Ducky Love! But there will be a sequel called Little Ducky... But I'm not sure when it will come out.

Ok, the name Penelope isn't the best name, but it means something to them. I'm sure you didn't expect twins!

The song is sorta about John and Sqaishey???? I don't know, I like the song with this. I have no copyright. All of this song belongs to Kelly Clarkson.

Ducky Love became my most popular book, even though I didn't intend it to.

So thank you for reading my Stampy and Sqaishey fanfiction, Ducky Love!


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