Chapter 25: Accident

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Stampy's POV

We head towards the rock climbing mountain, and enter through the entrance.

Sqaishey looks worried, so I put my arm around her and she relaxes.

For a few minutes.

We head towards a place where we get our harnesses on, and prepare for the climb.

"Be careful, Sqaishey." I say to Sqaishey, who looks a bit worried.

We stand at the bottom of the mountain and wait for the safety guy to tell us we can go.

"Ok, you guys can start, in 3, 2, 1! Go!"

We all scramble up the rocks, me just in front, with Sqaishey on my tail.

I can see the top; it's only 10 meters up from where I am now, so I speed up.

Soon, I reach the top.

"I am the champion of the world!" I sing sarcastically.

Sqaishey laughs as she reaches the top.

I decide to scale back down the mountain.

I carefully put one foot down, but as I do, my harness gets caught on something.

I try to pull it free. My harness breaks.

(Ha ha! You guys thought it would be Sqaishey, didn't you! 😄)

Sqaishey's POV

I watch Stampy falling in slow motion, it really seems like that.

But when he hits the ground, everything seems to speed up.

Everyone still rock climbing is just staring at Stampy. Except for me.

I scramble as fast as I can down the mountain, cutting my hands on sharp rocks as I go, but not caring.

I reach the ground and take Stampy up in my arms.

He's bleeding all over, not heavily though.

"Stampy..." I whisper. I don't realise I'm crying.

He's unconscious of course, but I turn to see the safety crew just standing there.

"Do something!" I yell, and they run off to call an ambulance.

I sit with Stampy, using the water from my water bottle to wash the dust and dirt out of the wounds.

Then, I try to bandage up the wounds with the bandages from the rock climbing first aid kit we were given.

I hear very distant sirens. I check his pulse. He's still alive.

For now.

The ambulance arrives and checks on him. I sit and watch, still crying, his blood covering my hands.

They lift him into the stretcher and put him in the ambulance.

And as they drive off, I kneel in the dust, coughing it up but breathing it back in again.

That's when I fall to the ground.

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