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THURSDAY NOV. 14 7:46 A.M.

squirrel twin
oh my gosh
pls tell me you're awake

freckles boi
ugh what is it

squirrel twin
dont u have school?

freckles boi

squirrel twin
good luck kiddo! :)

freckles boi
I'm still only a DAY younger

squirrel twin
i know.
the real reason im texting you is because
i got the okay to meet up with you
the company is finally letting me get out of here

freckles boi
yes!! finally!
i miss my best friend!
text me the details later

squirrel twin
aww nice to know you miss me
but that's it. i gotta go anyway
hyungs are calling me for practice
don't be late for school loser

freckles boi
nice to see im loved
have fun then
don't stress
can't wait till your debut
the schools gonna freak

squirrel twin
i know.
don't brag about me
bye loser

freckles boi
definitely won't
bye jisung

squirrel twin
that's HYUNG to you!

Felix rolled his eyes as he turned off his phone. He was still only a day younger. And with Australian and Korean time zones maybe they were actually twins.

Sighing at his morning thoughts, he jumped out of bed and greeted his mom when he came to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. He did his morning routine and ran outside to get to school. 8:08 AM, he checked his watch. Seventeen minutes until the morning bell rang. Great.

Felix had been off for the first few days of the week. Knowing that his best friend is going to debut soon and that he would be stuck with the most blatantly obvious non-couple popular prince Hyunjin and red-haired dandy boy Seungmin— of whom were his only senior friends in school. He did know the cute junior Jeongin, but he had his own friends in his own age, and hanging out with them would make Felix feel old.

He sighed when he finally reached his homeroom class and took a seat next to Seungmin; the said boy obviously in a little bit of distress. Felix looked across the room to where his Seungmin's eyes were and saw Hyunjin with two girls he had been talking to recently. He recognised one of them as Hwang Yeji from his dance class but didn't know when the two have gotten so close.

"Again, Minnie?" Felix asked, snapping his fingers to get Seungmin out of his trance.

"Ah! Lix!" Seungmin replied, "No! I'm okay!"

"Whatever you say Seungminnie," Felix said as he took out a book to read for the next thirty or so minutes until the bell rang signalling the first period.

Time whizzed past as Felix found himself walking to the cafeteria for lunch. He got his food and went to sit down at the table that their group had claimed since the beginning of high school. Obviously, it was different now as Jisung was now gone and two of the others were in a bad place currently. Felix's thoughts were interrupted when he saw Seungmin walking towards him with a frown.

"Yah! Minnie? What happened?" Seungmin said nothing but sat down and sighed. "Hyunjin, again?"

"It's nothing, I'm okay."

"I can see it's not nothing."

Seungmin just hummed and started to pick at his food.

Felix felt super uneasy about this. It was so blatantly obvious the two liked each other, especially when things like this would happen. Hyunjin, being popular, gets close with other people and Felix knew it secretly made Seungmin super jealous. These were Felix's only close friends, obviously he had to do something. He really wished he had someone else.

Internally sighing, he tried to talk to Seungmin about small things but none of it really worked as the boy in front of him was in a really bad mood.

Lunch went by fast and the afternoon periods felt slow, but soon enough they were done and Felix was able to go home. He finished his homework as fast as possible so he could get in some video game playing time before he had to go to his dance class.

Time. 5:05 PM. 25 minutes till dance class. Felix put away his controller and turned off the game as he went to get changed for dance. His phone buzzed twice with two new unread messages.

squirrel twin: we can meet at the coffee shop by JYP this sunday. 1pm.

squirrel twin: don't dress fancy though. you know the drill.

Felix smiled as he went to reply. He was happy he got to see his best friend again, but this was the last time he was gonna see him for a while as soon he would no longer be a trainee, but an idol.

The thought of losing Jisung to his dreams was scary to Felix, but eventually, he'd have to accept it and just get on with his own life.

wc. 825
p. 20191114


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