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Felix was tapping his foot anxiously, looking out the window every few seconds towards the huge unmissable JYP sign visible from the small café. Dressed in all black clothing with a black mask, no one bothered the boy as his foot kept tapping the marble floors. Black clothing wasn't even his style either—but he was meeting a famous person in secret, so it made sense that this had to be done.

12:57 P.M. the clock across the coffee shop read as Felix sipped on the iced Americano he had ordered not so long before. He felt extremely nervous for some reason, it was only Jisung—his twin, his best friend—so why was he nervous? Was it because they hadn't seen each other in two months due to Jisung's intense training? Or was it because this was the last time they would be meeting before his debut?

So lost in his thoughts, Felix didn't realise the hands waving drastically in front of his face. He looked up and saw the squirrel boy he had been anxiously waiting for, dressed in all black with a black mask and hood—just like him. With delight written on his covered face, Felix stood up to give the older a big hug.

"Hey Lix! I missed you!" Jisung said into the hug. Felix just smiled.

"I missed you too!" Felix replied, the two sitting down again at the table. Jisung with his own Americano he had purchased while Felix was staring off into space.

"How's school?" Jisung asked the other, only to be met with rolling eyes.

"Boring as always. Advanced English is still a piece of cake, and on the contrary, math is not getting any more easy. I still hate that subject."

Jisung shuddered at the mention of math.

"Ha. I'm glad I don't need to know how to divide fractions ever again! Not that I really ever knew very well, Seungmin practically did all my math homework for me."

Felix laughed slightly.

"Don't even get me started with the material for this year. All this triangle stuff is messing with my brain! Can't a triangle be a triangle and just let that be that? But no... it's all about the angles and cosines and all these other terms I can't be bothered to think of right now."

"Okay. You lost me at triangle stuff." Jisung replied after Felix was done talking, taking a sip of his Americano.

"Tell me about your life as a trainee! How much has changed in the past two months since we've met?" Felix asked, the other thinking about how to phrase his next words.

"It's been a lot more hectic and a lot more intense. I'm really glad we're finally getting breaks. All the songs for our album are ready and all that's left is practice for the live stages."

"Look at you getting ready to dominate the world." Jisung chuckled at Felix's comment as Felix continued. "Can't relate though. I'm just a dancer who plays video games in his spare time."

"You're lonely, we've been knew." Jisung joked.

"Hey!" Felix said while kicking the squirrel boy's feet from under the table, "that makes you lonely too! You don't have a boyfriend either!"

"Well. I have fans now," Jisung smirked under his mask, "ha! Beat that!" Felix rolled his eyes.

"I can't stand you sometimes."

"I know you love me."

"Ha. You wish." Felix shook his head at the other's silliness. Both took a moment to sip on their drinks before getting back to their conversation.

"What about your hyungs," Felix said out of the blue. "What are they like? Are they cool?" Jisung laughed a bit at the last question.

"Well, duh, they're cool. If they weren't cool, I would've quit a long time ago. I've grown really close to them through our training period," Jisung started, "Chan-hyung is our leader. Always producing new beats for us and literally can't stop working. He knows everyone in the building and it's kinda scary but it's because he's been training for such a long time. Changbin-hyung is basically me in terms of rapping and writing lyrics but ten times better. Only he's kinda a loner."

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