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"Finally!" Jisung shouted, "I've been cooped up in this building for so long!" The two older males watching him let out slight chuckles and looked at each other.

"We still have a curfew, so hurry up and let's spend as much time as we can!" the eldest said as he left to go to the bathroom to change into more suitable clothes.

The youngest hopped up and went into their shared bedroom in the dormitory and did the same.

Changbin sat down at the kitchen counter waiting for the two other boys to finish getting changed and decided to go scroll through Twitter. He saw a lot of people anticipating 3RACHA's debut and to say he was excited from the tremendous amount of support the group had, would be an understatement.

Changbin didn't really have any life outside of music. He had dropped out of high school two years prior when he auditioned for JYP and his parents haven't really kept in touch after they found out their son wanted to be a rapper and not a doctor or lawyer or any other career that would guarantee him a lot of money.

He was glad that he got a chance to live his dream, only one week away and it would become a reality. Two years worth of training and improving his own rap skills, lyrical writing skills and productions has been a long journey for him and he's glad he now has two friends who'll stick with him for a while.

"Changbin-hyung!" he heard a yell from the bedroom; Jisung walking out in a stylish outfit and a mask to keep his identity. "You can go in the room and get changed now," he added while taking a seat on the couch. Changbin nodded at the younger and walked into the bedroom, picking something simple out of his (entirely-black) wardrobe and changing into it.

Soon the three were strolling in the streets of Seoul, deciding on a restaurant to go to eat. Changbin had forgotten how nice being outside actually living was as he watched the trees' leaves dance in the wind and the birds flying high up in the sky.

"Hey, guys?" Chan asked the two younger, looking up from his phone. Changbin and Jisung both looked at him inquisitively at the eldest. "Is tteokbokki okay? I found this really good place close to that university a few blocks down. The two nodded.

"Sure," Changbin replied. "I don't see how it would be much of a problem.

"I almost forgot what tteokbokki tasted like," Jisung comments, earning a chuckle from the two older.

"Okay, okay, let's go," Chan replied with a smile as he turned around to lead the way, looking up directions on his phone. Changbin and Jisung looked at each other for a moment, sharing a smile, before following Chan.

They had walked a few blocks when Changbin noticed Jisung taking his phone out of his pocket. He was texting someone—probably one of his friends from school again—and letting out small chuckles here and there.

Changbin didn't think much of it at first, but looking between both his friends and realising their happiness as they were typing on their phones made him take a step back and realise: they have other friends. They might be bandmates now but what happens when they disband? Or end on bad terms? Changbin would be alone. Chan had so many other friends in the music industry, while Jisung had old friends from school that he seemed to miss a lot since he always talked about them and what they used to do back when he was still with them. Changbin just didn't have anyone other than the two males he was with, and the thought of losing them was getting to him.

"Changbin-hyung?" Jisung looked at the older worriedly, "you seem to spacing out. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. It's fine, don't worry about me," the older replied, his eyes brightening up a little bit, "You can go back to texting your friend."

"We finished talking. He's eating instant noodles and watching dramas," Jisung said, chuckling a little bit, "we can talk about stuff if you want to."

"If you're up for it," Changbin sighed, "but don't let this information bother you."

"It won't. I promise." Jisung replied, smiling slightly at the older. Changbin could tell by the way his mask moved slightly upwards.

"Well, you know I've never had any friends before I met you guys," he started, scratching his neck hesitantly as the younger signalled for him to continue, "I didn't have any friends in primary school because I never bothered to make any. I was only interested in music and rap that the idea of socialising was a pretty foreign concept in my head. Now that I've met you guys, it's all a dream come true— I have good friends who share the same passion as me and in a week, we'll be living our dreams together. But you and Chan-hyung, you both have other friends, other people to rely on. People to talk to if we ever have disagreements and arguments. But I really only have you guys right now, and I'm sorry to say this but sometimes I feel jealous that you have other friends that you can trust because I kinda want that too."

Changbin stopped talking and watched his feet move, one in front of the other, scared of the response he was going to get from the younger.

"Hyung," Jisung spoke after a few seconds of somewhat awkward silence, "Chan-hyung and I are your friends, and we'll always be here for you if you need us; and I totally understand what you're feeling because when I told my best friend I was dropping out, he was devastated. Not only because his best friend was leaving him but also because he was now stuck third-wheeling our other two friends by himself. Sometimes I think about what would be different if I stayed at school but I know he's happy I'm going to be living my dream and we still keep in contact. If it really bothers you that we have different friends, maybe try going out on your own more, in chances of meeting someone that you could have a bond with. We'll debut soon, we'll have a bit more freedom."

Jisung stopped talking for a minute as Changbin took everything the younger had said into consideration.

"Y-yeah, I'll think about it. Thanks, Jisungie." He replied, ruffling the younger's hair as the restaurant was finally in sight.

Maybe he was right. Maybe he should go out and try and talk to someone. Maybe then he wouldn't feel so alone.

changbin's pov?👀

wc: 1124
p. 20191115


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