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Everyone just stood there, not knowing what to say, seeing this tiny boy carry boxes that were probably about the same weight as him.

"The food came and the manager hyungs made me carry all of it over here. Changbin answered, motioning with his head to the boxes. "So sorry for taking so long."

Holy crap, he's so strong? Felix questioned his own thoughts. You cannot be simping over him this fast, you dumbass bottom Felix, he shouted at himself.

Dusting himself off, Changbin turned to the group and waved awkwardly at all the shocked faces. "Hi everyone.. I hope everyone knows me, but I'm Changbin, but I barely know any of you." Felix's heart fluttered at the boy's half-nervousness, although he seemed confident as he was speaking. "I'm a '99, so if you're all Jisung's friends, does that make me older?"

"I'm a '98 liner," Minho interrupted. "I'm not Jisung's friend but nice to meet you anyway," Minho himself and Changbin nodded. Jisung pouted at the statement.

"Are we not friends now, hyung?" Jisung caught his attention and Minho couldn't help but chuckle.

"Nice to meet you Minho-hyung." Changbin bowed to Minho before turning to the next boy.

"Yang Jeongin. But I'm an '01 so I think I'm the babie," he smiled.

"Nice to meet you," Changbin smiled, then turned to the definitely-not-a-couple standing next to him.

"Kim Seungmin."

"Hwang Hyunjin. We all went to school with Jisung."

"Nice to meet you," Changbin said once again as he slightly bowed to the two, before turning to look at the last unknown, the blond next to him, whose cheeks were too red to be normal.

"Felix," Felix stated, looking around awkwardly, "Jisung and I are basically twins." Changbin laughed while the younger just took it awkwardly as his blush started to grow.

"Yes, I remmeber you." Changbin commented. "You're Ask Hannie boy. Cute." Changbin cracked a slight smile as Felix felt more blood flowing to his cheeks.

"Hey, wait a minute," Jisung interrupted, "you owe me for smushing my cheesecake!" Felix blew a raspberry at Jisung and the latter fake gasped in response. Everyone laughed before Jisung crossed arms and let out a hmph. Felix turned back to Changbin.

"It's nice meeting your for real this time." The two boys bowed to each other, Felix somewhat embarassed he was watching him fool around with his bestie.

"Felix put my 14-year-old self rapping on the internet and that's how JYP found me," Jisung chimed in as Felix replayed this important moment for the two friends. He remembered the two friends as 14-year-olds, Felix re-assuring Jisung that he was going to do well at the showcase. Felix made sure to film his friend and post it, so they could look back on their crazy memories from their teen years; but it was noticed by the JYP himself, which gave Jisung the best opportunity he'd ever receive.

"Nice." Changbin replied, "so I have you to blame for letting this crackhead into my life. Thanks." Felix wasn't sure if Changbin was being sarcastic but his thoughts were interrupted by Chan, who called out to the group.

"Okay, everyone... fried chicken?"

Everyone nodded and Chan set up a stack of plates for the nine boys. They all gathered around a table with the boxes that Changbin had been carrying. Boxes full of mostly fried chicken but a lot of other stuff too.

Felix sat down next to Changbin and felt the energy of the tense boy beside him. It was strange he seemed comfortable when they were talking a minute beforehand and now he was a shy boy who wasn't really talking to anyone. And so, Felix's awkward self got the courage to try and start a conversation.

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