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FRIDAY DEC. 7 8:11 P.M.

binnie hyung
that was so good omg
you're such a good dancer i was blown away
when i showed chan hyung his jaw dropped
he made me show jisung too
he really thought u were that good
jisung was a little supicious but somehow
he didnt recognise you
but you really are good at dancing
chan was "really proud of our fans' talent"
you should give yourself more credit for it

woah woah woah
thats a lot of information to take in
my small brain needs a moment to register all of this

binnie hyung
take your time

ok well firstly thank you
i'm glad my hard work is appreciated
and secondly jisung will find out soon enough
minho hyung is posting it online tomorrow

binnie hyung
guess im gonna be reposting that
you guys deserve recognition for that
that was pure talent

i'm flustered wow

binnie hyung
only for you

Felix put his phone down and sat up. Minho has picked him up from school, and the two had been practicing ever since to make sure the dance come out perfect. Now the two were chilling at Felix's house, Felix himself lying down on the couch tired from the day.

Felix suddenly felt energized after Changbin's texted him and called to Minho, who was sitting on the carpet cluelessly fiddling with Felix's Nintendo Switch.

"So I sent the choreography video to 3RACHA," Minho cocked his head up, "two of them didn't know it was us, but they're really happy to see their fans' talent."

"Aw, that's really nice," Minho got up from his position on the floor and sat in one of the room's cushioned chairs, still facing Felix, "did Jisung say anything about my dancing?"

"What?" Felix asked, not understanding what the older was implying.

"Jisung." Minho simply stated, before a questioning look arose on his face. "You sent it to him, right?"

"Oh, uh," Felix hesitated. Should he tell Minho that he was talking to Changbin? Ah, screw it. "I actually sent it to Changbin-hyung."

"Changbin? Really?" Minho replied in shock and Felix regretted saying anything. Minho was now staring at Felix in curiosity. "How did you get his contact? How long have you been talking?"

"One, yes, Changbin, really. Two, he gave me his number. Three, it's been three weeks, since their debut showcase."

"Wow, well, do you like him?" Felix failed to hide his burning red cheeks.

"Who doesn't? He's so talented and his raspy voice makes all his verses sound so much better." Minho laughed at this response, which caused Felix to blush even more. Felix took a pillow he found near him and threw it at the laughing boy.

"Hey!" Minho yelled.

"Ask girls on campus if they like SpearB and you're gonna get the same answer as me." Felix retorted and crossed his arms, Minho was still chuckling at Felix's embarrassment.

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say, Lix."

"Like you have a boyfriend," Felix remarked, causing Minho to look at him again.

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