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We would like to congratulate our former student, Han Jisung, for his debut in rap group 3RACHA under JYP Entertainment earlier this week. The staff and administration at this school wish him the best of luck towards his career.

Felix stopped recording and put his phone away to listen to the rest of the morning announcements. It's been three days since the group's debut and they've been busy with a small promotional run on the music shows: This meant the rappers had almost no time to themselves which in turn, made Felix feel the loneliest he's ever felt in a week.

A lot more has also happened in the past week; Seungmin being a lot clingier to Hyunjin and Hyunjin still practising a lot for the big showcase. Many of the students at the school had talked about 3RACHA's debut as if it was the only thing there was to talk about, and the announcement revealing Han Jisung used to attend the very school they were in poured more fuel onto their fangirl fire.

"Him?" Felix heard a girl shout. He looked over and noticed a crowd of girls staring at a book. A yearbook. Not just any yearbook, be side the cover indicated it was their freshman year yearbook.

"Han Jisung? The lame skinny kid with glasses from freshman year?" Another girl spoke, "that was J.One?"

Hyunjin was the first to burst into laughter, quickly followed by Yeji, Seungmin, Lia and lastly Felix, who was really trying hard not to laugh.

"These girls' reactions are gold," Hyunjin said as he continued to laugh violently, banging his fist on his desk. "I could've dated J.One before he was famous, says she."

"Okay, that's enough everyone, please sit down," their homeroom teacher's voice erupted, making the girls shut up. "If you want to talk about your idols, at least talk about them in a normal volume."

Shuffling could be heard throughout the classroom as girls made their ways back to their seats, Felix witnessing some of their eyes roll at the teacher.

Felix took his phone out of his pocket and sent the recording to Jisung.

THURSDAY NOV. 28 08:45 A.M.

freckles boi
[new recording.mp3]

squirrel twin
wow im really honoured

freckles boi
you should be.
these girls are literally fangirling
remember two years ago?
yup totally changed.

squirrel twin
thanks for that
now study my dongsaeng

freckles boi
yeah yeah okay 🙄
i'll be a good student 

Felix turned off his phone and tried to join the conversation that was happening beside him. He still felt like a fifth wheel, if you could even call that a thing, but was still feeling lonely. Too bad he couldn't have someone by his side 24/7. He was still confused about his emotions after talking to Changbin, but he shrugged and proceeded on with his day.

Felix waved goodbye to Hyunjin and Yeji in the school's dance room as the bell rang signalling lunch. The two were practising an incredibly complex choreography and Felix really couldn't blame them for taking all the practice time they could get.

Felix entered the cafeteria and took a spot at the group's old table, texting Seungmin that Hyunjin was practicing in one of the dance rooms, giving up the thought of Seungmin would come to sit with him at lunch.

Biting into an apple he had taken out of his bag, Felix decided to scroll through his favourite app, Twitter, and to no surprise there was nothing new.

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