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SUNDAY DEC. 22 1:32 P.M.

binnie hyung
how's my lixie feeling today?
have a good sleep?

cutie baby boy
yeah best ive had in a while
sorry i passed out yesterday
that must've been uncomfortable for you

binnie hyung
dont stress about it
as long as you're comfortable im comfortable

cutie baby boy
thanks hyung
i'd like to do that again sometime
the sunset watching i mean

binnie hyung
I wouldn't mind you sitting on my lap either 😉
but definitely we can watch the sunset again
i can tell you're embarrassed because you're not responding
it's okay lixie i liked it
i have to get back to work
have a great day ❤️

cutie baby boy

contact name change:
binnie hyung binnie hyung 🖤


MONDAY DEC. 23 6:20 P.M.

cutie baby boy
hey are you three free this week

binnie hyung 🖤
well we have Christmas and two days after that off

cutie baby boy
this might be awkward but
would you have dinner with my family
one of those days
my mom wants me to invite friends
and she wants to know what jisung is up to

binnie hyung 🖤
ill ask the company
but i think it should work
as long as your family aren't some crazy stalkers

cutie baby boy
no no my sisters have met jisung before
they'll be cool with it

binnie hyung 🖤
you have sisters?
since when? you've never mentioned them?

cutie baby boy
well... since i was born, duh
didn't i tell you this before?

binnie hyung
did you?
sorry 😅 there was probably a lot on my mind at the time

cutie baby boy
k well you better remember this time 😠
but my noona is in university
and my younger sister is studying in Australia

binnie hyung 🖤
so are they not home right now?

cutie baby boy
they're coming back in 2 days
both of them

binnie hyung 🖤
is it strange that I thought you were an only child

cutie baby boy
no sometimes it really does feel like it
these past four months have been a big change for me

binnie hyung 🖤
yeah I haven't seen my noona in a while either
she's been studying abroad
and I've been a trainee at jype for so long now
we never really have time to meet

cutie baby boy
hopefully you can reconnect soon

binnie hyung 🖤
chan hyung is back
i'll ask him to ask the company
ill get back to you asap

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