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"Hyung," Jisung practically yelled at the older male, "stop freaking out so much! He's gonna love it!" Changbin, on the other hand, couldn't stop panicking. He needed to make sure that everything was perfect.

"Seriously Changbinnie," Chan walked over after overhearing the commotion between the two other members in the sleeping quarters. "He'll love whatever you have planned. Stop stressing so much."

Changbin sighed and sat back down on his bed, looking between Jisung standing in front of the window and Chan leaning against the door frame.

"Remember I'm not a people-person. I have zero experience with these types of things." Changbin covered his face.

"But I do," Chan chimed in, "and as long as you're not killing him or telling him you've found interest in someone else then I'm sure you'll be fine."

Changbin looked up at Chan who was walking away from the door. He then looked at Jisung who gave him an encouraging smile as he spoke:

"Don't overthink these things! I'm sure he'll love it, no matter what!"

"But what if he doesn't?" Felix complained. Seungmin just rolled his eyes. He was trying to help his single friend pick something to wear for his "date;" the only problem being that Felix had rejected basically every single item of clothing in his closet.

"This one screams dork, that one screams nerd, that one screams e-boy and I'm definitely not going to wear that. Don't even remember buying that one." Felix contemplated his options and Seungmin let out another heavy sigh, cuddling into Hyunjin a little more; the couple were sitting on Felix's bed as they watched him struggle.

"Why am I here again?" Hyunjin asked Felix, who stopped looking through clothes and turned around to meet his eyes.

"I asked Seungmin to help me choose an outfit."

"So you didn't actually invite me? What the hell, Felix? Can I not offer fashion choices too?" Hyunjin asked.

"Chill, I'm not saying you can't," Felix thought for a while, "but Seungmin understands me."

The couple now laying on Felix's bed just looked at each other—Hyunjin left confused once again but Seungmin had a grin on his face.

"I'm sorry, what?" Hyunjin asked.

"Long story short— I'm baby. Seungminnie is baby. You're not baby because Seungmin is your baby, if you know what I mean." Felix replied in a monotone voice as he continued to scan his closet. He didn't turn around to see whatever Hyunjin's reaction was but it seemed to convey the message as Hyunjin didn't ask again.

After an half-hour, Felix finally figured decided what he would wear. He looked at Seungmin for approval, only to realise the couple had fallen asleep. Felix smiled at their cuteness but left his room to give the couple space, relocating to the bathroom to get changed into his outfit of choice.

Felix took a picture of himself in the mirror, examining his cuteness, because he knew he was fabulous. He decided to spend the rest of the time waiting on the living room couch since the couple stole his bedroom.

He took out his phone and decided to text Changbin, since he didn't have anything better to do.

SATURDAY DEC. 14 3:49 P.M.

im bored
when are you coming??

binnie hyung
patience lixie
time will pass fast and soon enough
you'll be out of your house and with me

alone, together? | changlix [✓]Where stories live. Discover now