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FRIDAY NOV. 22 10:57 A.M.

deep voice jjixie
idk where u are or what you're doing
but something happened with seungmin today

popular hwang
who? when? what?
did someone hurt him?
i swear imma kill someone

deep voice jjixie
ur crazy fangirls tried to scold him
for hanging out with you so much

popular hwang
i can't control them they're crazy 🤦‍♂️
is seungminnie ok?
maybe i shouldve gone to school today

deep voice jjixie
dont worry about it
he didnt get beat up or anything

popular hwang
but i know they were going to fight
i know those girls they've done it before
they're super crazy
not ok in the brain, u know?

deep voice jjixie

popular hwang
what class is he in rn?
is he with you?

deep voice jjixie
we just split up
bell rang a few minutes ago

popular hwang
agh ok ill text him about it later
thanks for taking care of him

deep voice jjixie
he's still my friend 😒
even if yall hang out w/o me all the time
he says it's bc he's scared to lose u

popular hwang
what is he saying
do i look like im gonna leave

deep voice jjixie
ur fangirls made it seem like so

popular hwang
i don't know why they're still obsessed with me

deep voice jjixie
maybe you should tell them to F off

popular hwang
ive tried that so many times
they keep coming back to me for some reason

deep voice jjixie
dammit hyung why do u have to be so popular

popular hwang
thanks felix 🙄
im gonna pretend i didnt read that
and go back to practicing
thanks again for taking care of minnie
i swear ill make it up to u someday

deep voice jjixie
you better 😠
and idk if "minnie" is cute or i should barf

popular hwang
ok ok calm yourself
im gonna text him
thanks again

deep voice jjixie
ok hyung

Felix shut off his phone and turned his attention back to the worksheet that was in front of him. The class was boring, especially with no one to talk to, but he had gotten used to that so it wasn't that big of a deal for him. Sighing, he began filling in the questions, silently counting the seconds till the bell would ring.

A few bells rings later, Felix found himself sitting with Lia and Seungmin at his normal table. He learned more about the girl in front of him and found out she was the eldest of the three. Seconds turned to minutes turned to a hours and the three of them were walking out of their last class together when Felix got a text.

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