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"Seungmin, please, this is important!" Felix said as he dragged the reluctant boy into the cafeteria, sitting him down at their usual table and taking a seat next to him.

"Well, it better be." Seungmin retorted. "The showcase is this Friday and Hyunjin needs all the support he can get!" Seungmin huffed and crossed his arms, shooting a glare at Felix.

"You two are attached 24/7. Can I please just have a friend to talk to every once and a while?" Felix let out a heavy sigh as to deal with his Hyunjin-obsessed friend.

"And so we couldn't have done this while watching Hyunjin because...?"

"Many reasons, but mainly because I wanted to talk to you with no distractions." Seungmin put on a face Felix recognized as something between inquiry and anger. "Can I please just ask you something?"

"Fine. This better be important," Seungmin rolled his eyes, which made Felix feel more nervous about asking. Hesitating, Felix choked a reply.

"What's the difference between a celebrity crush and a crush crush?"

Seungmin was taken aback by Felix's question and wasn't exactly sure how to answer it.

"Well, a celebrity crush is like, a crush on a celebrity." Felix cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Yeah, I knew that," Felix stated, "I'll need a more in-depth answer than that."

"Okay, well how do you want me to answer?" Seungmin retorted, Felix becoming more tense because of Seungmin's angry mood. The atmosphere was getting heated and both boys noticed. Calming himself down, Felix spoke up.

"Let's put it this way, what are your feelings towards Wonpil-ssi?"

"Well," Seungmin took a moment to think. "He's basically perfect in all ways. He's handsome, he's like the best at the keyboard, he has the sweetest voice and overall he's just an angel who deserves to be protected at all costs."

"And what about your feelings towards Hyunjin?"

"Well, Hyunjin is different... He's handsome and super attractive when he dances. I love how much he doesn't care that all these crazy girls love him and even thought I'm basically a nobody, he still cares for me and makes me feel special when he clearly doesn't have to." Seungmin continued speaking as he dazed off. Felix took this opportunity to reflect on the answers Seungmin gave him.

"Thanks," Felix spoke up after a while, snapping Seungmin out of his daze. "And you're whipped, that's for sure."

"What?" Seungmin exclaimed with widened eyes as he looked towards Felix chuckling.

"Are you going to confess?" Felix asked the stunned boy. Seungmin was at a loss for words.

"W-what?" Seungmin stuttered.

"It's been so blatantly obvious you've had a crush on him for the past two years." Felix added. "Why haven't you done anything?"

An awkward silence ensued, as Seungmin was still speechless because of Felix's remarks. Felix lost his patience after a good twenty seconds of silence and stood up from the table.

"Thanks for the advice, Seungmin. I'll let you think about it yourself. Text me if you need advice from me! Bye Seungminnie!" Felix waved at his friend and walked out of the cafeteria, leaving a dumbfound Seungmin by himself engulfed in his own thoughts.


"What's on your mind?" Chan asked, surprising Changbin out of his thoughts. Changbin had been sitting in their recording studio as the two other members went to get lunch. He wasn't expecting Chan to be back so early.

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