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MONDAY NOV. 25 12:45 A.M.

freckles boi
holy crap jisung
this is fire
your rapping and singing have improved so much
im so proud of you!! 🤗

squirrel twin
omg you sound like my mom
but thank you. this has been my life's work

freckles boi
omg i have to go find the video of u rapping
in the showcase 2 years ago
sksksksk memory lane

squirrel twin
ok no please dont find that
i may have improved but i dont wanna hear that ever again

freckles boi
why?? it was so funny!

squirrel twin
lix. there's a line
between funny and embarrassing

freckles boi
okay fine fine
how are you feeling for the showcase?

squirrel twin
we've done so many preparations
gah i'm so excited!!
i seriously cant wait to be performing

freckles boi
well i'll let u go to sleep
cant wait to see the performance!

squirrel twin
i'm so excited !!!
gah also i forgot to say
i think one of my hyungs
saw you on the streets a few days ago

freckles boi

squirrel twin
he got back to the dorm and literally said
"i yelled stan 3racha at a boy today and he said ask hannie"
he said it might be one of my friends

freckles boi
dont tell me it was the shortie with the groceries

squirrel twin
he bought me my cheesecake
don't tell me u were the one who smushed it

freckles boi
sorry! I bumped into him
thinking about you and your debut

squirrel twin
👁👄👁 felix you're so clumsy
well that was changbin hyung
he's the one with the growl voice

freckles boi
he's a better rapper than you
just stating facts

squirrel twin
how dare you??

freckles boi
now now squirrel
you need REST

squirrel twin
hMpHh FINE !

freckles boi
love you too sungie :)
can't wait for the showcase hehe

Felix shut off his phone and went to play 3RACHA's debut album again. It was nearing one in the morning, meaning it's been an official one hour since 3RACHA's debut. Listening to the album once again, he can hear the passion in each boy's voice as they rapped about their struggles and their pasts and what they wish to accomplish in life. After listening to the album some more while analyzing all the words, feelings and emotions conveyed, Felix eventually fell asleep.

He woke up the next morning energized as he was looking forward for the night to fall upon the city. Time flew and suddenly Felix found himself standing in front of his house waiting for Minho to come to pick him up so they could go to the showcase together.

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