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Felix went to school as normal the next morning, suspecting nothing out of the ordinary. That all changed when he walked into his homeroom class and saw that Seungmin wasn't seated in his usual spot. That's odd, Felix thought to himself, as he knew Seungmin didn't normally like moving spots in their class.

Felix eventually just sat down at the same spot he was at, normally beside Seungmin, plugged in his earbuds and took out some of his homework to review for a test he had later that day.

It wasn't until a while later when he noticed Seungmin's trademark red hair across the room. He was sitting with Hyunjin, Yeji and the other girl—of which he still didn't know the name of; the two boys being very touchy with one another in comparison to the day before.

As much as Felix was happy that the two made up, he's disappointed they decided to keep him out of whatever they were doing. They were supposed to best friends, right? But Felix just felt lonely inside once again.

The ringing bell throughout the school interrupted the boy's thoughts, making him quickly pack his homework and exiting homeroom swiftly to get to his class.

"Hyung?" A boy calling out to him snapped out of his thoughts. Felix halted in his steps, looking towards of his junior friend.

"Hey Jeongin..." Felix awkwardly smiled.

"Is Seungmin-hyung okay?" Jeongin asked.

"Y-yeah, everything's going well." Felix stuttered, giving Jeongin a small smile.

"Okay, that's good," Jeongin smiled slightly, "he's talking to Hyunjin hyung again, right?"


"Good for him." He replied as he walked away, "I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later." Felix replied, clearing his mind and continuing his walk to his class.

All the classes in the morning felt ten times worse than normal and Felix just really wanted to leave school as fast as possible. Every class he had with Seungmin, he would sit in a different spot and be talking to Hyunjin and his new friends, who weren't him. He even sat alone at lunch because both of his friends were nowhere to be seen. Felix tried not to think about it too much and tried diverting his focus to his studies.

The afternoon classes passed somewhat swiftly and the final bell of the day rang. Felix went straight to his locker, wishing to be home as fast as possible. He put his books away and started walking towards the exit but was interrupted as he heard someone call his name.

"Wait up, Lix!" Seungmin's voice echoed through the semi-full hall. Felix turned his head to see his cherry-headed friend running towards him. Felix mentally sighed as he prepared himself for whatever needed to be said.

"What happened, Seungmin?" Felix said, "Did Hyunjin do something stupid? If so, I won't hesitate to—"

"No, no! I wanted to say thank you," Seungmin started, leaving Felix dumbstruck.


"Hyunjin said you told him to talk to me. He called me last night and we talked for a while. Those two girls aren't even that bad and now we're all friends. One of them is a singer too! She's so much better than me!" Felix silently took a deep breath.

"Well, that's good for you Seungmin. I should get going now." He said, awkwardly waving before Seungmin pulled him in for a hug.

"Thanks again Lix! I'll see you later! Bye!" Seungmin replied, skipping off with a smile on his face. Felix just sighed and walked off in the other direction, heading for the exit of this wretched school so he could get home, relax and lie on his bed.

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