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Do I like him? A bunch of different thoughts raced through Changbin's mind as he was sitting in his rolling chair. As per usual, he was in 3RACHA's studio during their lunch break. Changbin was never bothered by being alone, as he liked the time to himself. Time to think about life. Songs. Success. Friendships. Feelings. Felix.

Changbin was never good at feelings. He had written a love song once before but that one turned into a disaster that the group decided to never speak of again. But glancing at the lyrics he had been writing, he found himself wondering how he ended up writing about a feeling he's never felt before—love. Not even just generic love. Love with a certain freckled boy on his mind.

"Too much on your mind?" Chan shook Changbin out of his trance and he nodded. "Felix?" Chan's eyes shifted to the notebook in front of the short boy and read the words written on the page.

"Changbinnie, this is super soft. He's really been on your mind that much, huh?" Chan teased, taking the small book into his hands. Changbin blushed and snickered.


"Oh, Changbinnie," Chan placed a reassuring hand on Changbin's shoulder. "I've seen the way you look at him. What's on your mind? You can tell me anything."

Changbin let out a sigh he didn't realise he was holding in.

"He's just so precious!" Changbin exclaimed a little louder than expected, letting all of his emotions loose. "His precious little smile and his fluffy hair that I wanna see forever, I wanna squish his cheeks and ruffle his hair whenever I want. I want to hold him and protect him like the precious little thing he is and make sure that this cruel world can't lay a hand on him. I want to comfort him when he's sad and give him all the attention he deserves. He's just like that, I don't know."

"So what's stopping you?" Chan cocked an eyebrow.

"I'm sure he just sees me as a friend who is a celebrity." Chan scoffed at this comment. Changbin glared at Chan. "Hyung!" Changbin exclaimed with annoyance.

"Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Chan retorted, tired of Changbin's denial, "he's so comfortable around you! He let you feed him right in front of everyone and the way you two were holding hands when we were leaving; I can see, Seo Changbin. He reminds me of when I was younger and in love. I may not know him well but he seems whipped for you."

Does he really? Should I trust Chan? What if he didn't mean it? But, I've always trusted Chan, why shouldn't I trust him now? Changbin's mind took a minute to process everything. Does Felix like me?

"Am I interrupting something?" Another voice snapped Changbin out of his thoughts.

"You're always interrupting something,"
Chan replied to a very happy squirrel boy standing in the doorway.

"Was it serious?" Jisung asked, happiness shifting to a look of concern on his face as he saw the two other boys close together, Changbin's face still suffering a life crisis.

"Kinda, but it's okay, right Bin?" Chan replied, looking at Changbin for reassurance. Changbin nodded his head and gave Jisung a smile.

"Why are you so happy?" Changbin spoke up, noticing Jisung's big smile return.

"That Lee Know dance account did another dance cover of one of our songs!" Jisung exclaimed as he closed the door and walked over to his hyungs.

"He's whipped too," Chan whispered to Changbin as Jisung took out his phone to find the video to show the others.


The week went by fast for Felix and it was already Saturday, and the start of the Winter Holiday Break. No school for a whole month, all freedom.

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