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Felix walked into the area of the chairs reserved for the acts and saw Hyunjin hugging Seungmin off to the side. Felix smiled slightly at their closeness and stood at a distance, waiting for the two to finish their moment. When they did, Hyunjin spotted Felix and waved him over.

Felix skipped over with a big smile on his face, confusing Hyunjin and Seungmin.

"Why are you so happy today?" Hyunjin broke the silence: Felix starting eyeing the two boys in front of him. Felix then gave Seungmin the look, to which his body responded with burning red cheeks. Embarrassed, Seungmin pushed Felix's shoulder and Felix burst out into laughter.

"What?" Hyunjin asked again, cluelessly watching the interaction.

"Well," Felix turned to Hyunjin, sweat still clear on his forehead from dancing. "Did something happen?" Felix wiggled his eyebrows.

"No?" Hyunjin was confused. "Was something supposed to happen?" Felix rolled his eyes.

"Jinnie, stop!" Seungmin had the courage to speak again. "Nothing happened!"

"Uh-huh." Felix said sarcastically with a smirk on his face, Seungmin facepalming, leaving Hyunjin more confused than before.

"Oppa!" Felix heard a voice from behind him. Curious, Felix turned around and saw her. The fangirl who sang for Hyunjin, running in their direction.

"Here we go again," Hyunjin sighed. The girl walked up to the group and pushed Felix aside to stand in front of Hyunjin.

Felix could see Seungmin already start to boil in anger while Hyunjin was shifting uncomfortably.

"Did you like my performance? Did I do good? We're a great couple, you know. I'm a great singer and you're a great dancer. Isn't that great?" She spoke with a fake high pitched tone and tried to grab Hyunjin's hands. Hyunjin backed up and swatted her hands away swiftly.

"I've said many times already," Hyunjin stated calmly, "Stop making it seem like we're dating because I'm not interested." The girl's face faltered.

"Why, oppa?" She whined noisily, which made Seungmin plug his ears in disgust. "Am I not a good enough singer for you?"

"Yes, actually." Hyunjin nodded his head violently, eyes widening. "There are so many better singers than you."

"Like who?" The girl whined even more.

Hyunjin walked behind Seungmin and snuck his arms around the boy's waist, hugging him tightly from the back.

"For example," Hyunjin started but was cut off again by this girl's stupid whining again.

"Ew!" She gave a look of disgust, "what is he doing here?" Seungmin sent a death glare towards the girl and was about to throw hands but Hyunjin held him back.

"Don't you ever talk to him like that." Hyunjin growled at the girl whose face had gone red. "I suggest you leave now before I have to do it myself."

The girl shrieked and ran away. Felix let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding and turned back towards his friends. He was about to speak but realised the two were having a moment. Deciding to give them some time, he went to the mini polling station to check off a ballot for the best performance.

When he returned to the pair, Seungmin was drying tears while Hyunjin was smiling at him.

"Felix!" Seungmin called out to him as he walked back towards them. "Where did you go?"

"To vote for Hyunjin." Felix replied. "You guys did so well. I was sitting on the other side and could see everyone's shocked reactions to your moves. You really deserve to win."

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