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Felix placed his sports bag on the floor of the dance room as he waited for the class to start. He didn't spot anyone to talk to so he sat against the wall on his phone, scrolling through his Instagram feed.

He stumbled across one of Jisung's posts, him being his usual self with the caption two weeks till debut! can't wait for you all to hear what we've been producing!

Felix laughed at his friend's quirkiness and liked the post when he felt a hand on his shoulder and a presence beside him.

"Han Jisung from 3RACHA?" Felix's friend in university, Minho asked, "I've heard him rapping somewhere. He's also pretty cute."

Felix slapped Minho's arm and rolled his eyes.

"Pre-debut fan?" Minho asked, continuing the conversation.

"Of course— I mean I kinda have to because my best friend is—" Felix cut himself off with a slight laugh, not wanting to reveal he knows one of the members personally. Minho gave him a confused look before speaking.

"I haven't heard the group as a whole yet, but I'm sure they'll be amazing," Minho stated, changing the topic slightly. Felix smiled and the two talked more about 3RACHA's debut, with Felix trying to keep his mouth shut about knowing Jisung, which was hard because it seemed Minho was infiltrated with his squirrel-like friend.

Time flew by as Hyunjin walked into the room, putting down his bag and started doing his stretches. Felix remembered Seungmin's mood and was about to go over to Hyunjin when the teacher yelled and got everyone's attention.

"Okay, guys! Let's get started!" he yelled, as everyone stood up to do the practised choreographies to different songs of different genres.

By the time they were done dancing, everyone was exhausted and went out to get changed. Felix saw Hyunjin leaving but yelled out to get him to stop before he could.

"Hyunjin!" Felix yelled, grabbing the attention of the said boy. Hyunjin turned around to see his friend running over towards him.

"Hey, Felix. What's up?" He replied as the younger made a full stop in front of him.

"You haven't talked to me or Seungmin all day! Did something happen? Why have you been hanging out with Yeji-ssi more than us?" Hyunjin looked at his feet, unable to say anything for a bit. When he finally opened his mouth, they were interrupted by the door of the room opening, a girl walking in. Not just any girl. Hwang Yeji.

"Hyunjin!" the girl said as she waved to Hyunjin. Hyunjin waved back as Felix gave them weird looks.

"Hi, Yeji. We'll get started in a minute, but let me introduce you properly," Hyunjin said back to her as she walked towards the two boys. "Yeji, this is Felix, he's in our dance class. Felix, you probably already know Yeji but this is her; we're working on a duet dance for the school's showcase."

Felix looked between the two and saw that they were a little close.

"So... is there anything between you too?" Felix asked using his index finger and waving it between the two as they looked at each other.

"No, no, no, we're just dancing together. For the showcase! I have a girlfriend," Yeji replied as Felix sighed in relief.

"Ah okay. Thanks for clarifying. Sorry for the assumption Yeji-ssi." Felix bowed as he went back to get his bag. "And Hyunjin," Felix turned to face said boy, "you might want to talk to Seungmin. He's been feeling really off today because you weren't hanging out with us."

With that, Felix exited the dance room and went to the change room to get out of the sweaty clothes he was in. He bumped into Minho, who asked him if he wanted to get food before heading home, and Felix gladly accepted because honestly—who can say no to food?

After Felix texted his parents saying he'd be home later than normal, the two boys set off. The walk to the restaurant wasn't that long so the two boys were there, ordering and just resting after the dancing made their muscles sore. They talked about dance and school and studying for a while before landing on the topic of 3RACHA again.

"Who do you think is the best looking?" Minho asked. Felix didn't really keep up with the others, he really only cared because Jisung was in the group.

"I don't really keep up with them that much, not sure who's who and such." Felix chuckled as Minho gasped and pulled out his phone, scrolling through something until he stopped and showed his phone to Felix.

"These are some of their pre-debut pictures. Obviously, they'll look more grown-up when they debut."

Felix scanned the photos and recognised which ones were of his friend since he's definitely taken some of those pictures when the two were in middle school. His eyes landed on a different boy however with bangs and a cute smile.

"Changbin?" Minho inquired as he saw which photo Felix was looking at.

"Um—," Felix kept his head down after the mention of a name.

"Okay, so I'm so taking you to their debut showcase." Minho laughed as their food was served. Felix playfully rolled his eyes as he started eating whatever he had served in front of him. The two ate mostly in silence and they paid the bill before parting in their separate ways. Felix to his home and Minho back to his university campus.

Felix was exhausted from the day. But here he was again, by himself, alone. And after 3RACHA's debut, he was sure he was going to feel this way even more.

wc: 948
p. 20191114


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