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"Jisung called me hot today... again."

"Oh wow, how surprising," Felix replied nonchalantly as he walked towards the other male. Minho chuckled as Felix sat down next to him. "Do you really not have your face on Instagram?"

"Not on that account. I only post choreographies with no face reveal." Felix gave Minho an understanding nod. "What about Changbin? How are things going with him?"

Felix's eyes shot up at the mention of his crus— uh... favourite rapper.

"What?" Felix stuttered.

"Changbin? Word got around you two hang out sometimes. Thank Jisung."

Felix rolled his eyes.

"Of course he'd tell everyone everything." Minho chuckled at the comment.

"But seriously, Felix, how are things with Changbin?" Minho raised an eyebrow at Felix.

"He's cool," Felix replied with a cool tone, hoping that his true feelings wouldn't be revealed.

"He seems more than cool if you ask your face." Minho chuckled as Felix felt his cheeks getting warmer and warmer. Ducking in embarrassment, Felix swatted Minho's arm, a silent ow being heard.

"We've hung out a few times and he's a really cool person, even if everyone only sees him for his rapping and dark persona."

"So you two are friends?" Minho questioned.

"Yeah, I think so," Felix replied confidently. He was glad someone asked if he Changbin were friends, and not date or boyfriend, like the rest of his friends.

"Do you want it to be more though?" Minho asked respectfully. Instead of brushing it off as teasing or pushing away his feelings, Felix took the question seriously and since Minho wasn't teasing him, he wanted to give an honest response.

"I'm not sure." Felix carefully thought about what he wanted to say. "I think I like him as more than a celebrity crush but I'm not really sure what he feels towards me. Love is confusing and I should be thankful I'm already friends with an idol." Minho nodded at Felix's response.

"I may be a crazy sometimes but if you need any advice, don't hesitate." Minho smiled at Felix, who returned the smile.

Interrupting their friendly moment, Minho stood up and gave Felix his arm.

"Stretching time!" Minho said. Felix wanted to complain but knew he had to do warmups before dancing. Reluctantly, he took Minho's arm and was dragged up to his feet.

The two stood up to do warmups before their teacher started their practice.

"Hey, Felix, Minho-hyung," Hyunjin came up to the pair after their class was over. They both looked at him skeptically but didn't say anything. "I'm finally free and there's a new sushi place around the block from my house. Do you wanna try it out with me?"

"Sure," Felix replied, happy that Hyunjin finally had the time to hang out with them.

"I guess that means I'm going too," Minho rolled his eyes, "I need a break from school anyway."

After the three dancers got changed, they were out once again in Seoul's streets. It wasn't snowing or anything but it was somewhat cold; the three were bundled up in warm jackets.

Most of their walk to the restaurant was Hyunjin retelling his showcase story to Minho—how everyone was shocked at his skills, how they won first place, and most importantly: his blossoming relationship with Seungmin. Felix relived the moment as the story was being told and made sure to fill in the blanks about Seungmin's side of the story.

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