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Felix waved goodbye to Hyunjin and Seungmin, whose hands were linked, as they left the school grounds together. Normally, Felix would care the two left him out again. But today, it was a little different. He was expecting someone of his own. Felix pulled out his phone when he heard a ding! from his back pocket.

binnie hyung: black car three spots away from the flagpole. hurry up.

Felix looked up and counted three cars from the flagpole, and smiled as he saw a pair of eyes watching him from inside. He quickly ran over and hopped into the passenger seat.

"Hey hyung," Felix said while entering.

"Hey Felix, you ready to go?" Changbin asked as he started the car.

"Yup!" Felix nodded, "But can we go to my house first? I wanna get out of this disgusting uniform." Felix asked, getting a nod and Changbin's phone to type in his address.

The two quickly stopped by Felix's house, with Felix quickly running in to change into his black hoodie, black pants and facemask; the outfit he had labelled as the "meeting Jisung" outfit.

He hopped back into the car, and noticed Changbin's shocked expression.

"If you want to ask about what I'm wearing: Jisung has told me many times what to wear when we used to meet. I'm used to it, don't worry." Felix answered. Changbin was shocked Felix has a perfectly on-protocol undercover outfit.

Both boys didn't say much as they drove out of to the city. After a few minutes of driving and talking, they stopped at an ice cream parlour.

"Get what you want," Changbin said, letting Felix go through all the flavours, "I'll pay."

Felix ended up getting a simple chocolate scoop and Changbin decided he wanted the same. They found a table at the back of the store and took a seat. They took off their masks to eat and tried to remain unnoticed as they talked.

"Tell me some interesting things about you," Changbin smirked, "I knew basically nothing about you when we met and I still don't."

"Well, I was born in Sydney, Australia but I moved here when I was about 8. Same time Jisung came from Malaysia so we met as new kids with broken Korean and fluent English. My birthday is exactly one day after Jisung's, so you better remember it. I have a noona in university and a younger sister who is on an exchange program in Australia because she missed it so much. The past few months make me feel like an only child when I'm actually far from one. I like dancing and sometimes singing but I'm pretty mediocre in both skills compared to my friends. And I think my charming point is my freckles."

Changbin just sat nonchalantly, absorbing all the information from the boy in front of him.

"I think your freckles are cute," Changbin remarked. Felix's face lit up at this comment.

"Well," Felix spoke up, "I said like ten things about my life, now it's your turn. Tell me things I don't know about you." A hint of curiosity struck Felix as Changbin thought of what to say.

"Well, I'm 19. I've been at JYP since I was 15 as a trainee which meant I barely went to a real secondary school. I just did an online school so I do have my diploma. I lost contact with my family for the years I was training because no one really believed in me, until last week when my parents actually came to the showcase. My parents are proud of me now because I succeeded. I like rapping and in my free time I write lyrics for new raps."

"I'm sorry about your parents. Your trainee days must have been tough." Felix said quietly.

"It's all good. I had Chan-hyung and Jisung. We're our own family now." Changbin flashed a small smile, which also made Felix smile.

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