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Walking to school was a pretty normal thing that happened in a teenager's everyday life. For Felix, this was usually the case. However, walking to school at six in the evening on a Friday night to meet up with your famous friend and famous crush in secret was a whole other story.

Felix walked into the school auditorium and saw parents and students alike gathering into their seats. Looking around to find a seat, he saw hooded figures in a blocked off corner of seats near the stage. Immediately remembering would be there Jisung was coming, he started walking towards the area, only to he stopped by a buff man in all-black attire.

"Hey kid, staff and contestants only in the front." Felix looked confused but just turned around and walked away. He pulled out his phone and decided to text Jisung.

FRIDAY DEC. 13 6:42 P.M.

freckles boi
hey are you here yet

squirrel twin
yea changbin hyung and i are near the front

freckles boi
oh that's strange
the one guy told me it's staff and contestants only

squirrel twin
one of the buff guys standing near the front?
that's probably one of our security guards
just tell him you're felix
no one is really supposed to know that we're here, not yet at least
safety measures you know?

freckles boi
oh god i have to go talk to that man again
wish my introverted ass luck

squirrel twin
yea yea hurry up
the faster the better

Felix shoved his phone back into his pocket and gulped, looking back in the direction of the man. Walking back up to him, Felix gave him a shy smile, the security guard giving him a questioning look in return.

"What is it now, kid?"

"Oh, um, I—" Felix muttered out awkwardly, tapping his foot on the carpet he was standing on, "I'm Felix Lee."

"Oh really?" The man cocked an eyebrow, "if you and J.One were really friends, what was your childhood superhero duo name?"

"Squirrel twin and freckles boi," Felix said confidently; remembering all the times the the two would pretend they were saving the galaxy at the park in primary school.

"All good, kid. You can go." The guy smiled at Felix, letting him continue into the front of the auditorium, spotting the two hooded figures he had been looking for.

"Felix!" Jisung exclaimed, jumping up to hug Felix as he approached the rappers, "I haven't seen you since debut, what have you been doing?" Felix chuckled at the question.

"No," Felix retorted, "it seems you've just been busy. What have you been doing?"

"Rapping. Producing. So much more now." Jisung replied. The two best friends let out laughs at their own silliness and went back to sit down. Felix turned his eyes to meet the other pair staring back at him.

"Changbin-hyung," Felix said, awkwardly letting his handshake the other boy's hand, a handshake met with awkward vibes as they weren't sure how to act.

"Nice to see you again." Changbin smiled. Felix just bowed quickly before taking a seat next to Changbin. Jisung noticed the levels of awkwardness in the exchange, but refrained from speaking due to the loud microphone feedback that rang through the auditorium.

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