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Felix plopped himself back down onto the couch, outfit and hair ready to go. His mom and sisters giggled amongst themselves as they looked at him; Felix's embarrassment rose to an all-time high.

The two days after their dinner with 3RACHA, were mostly spent catching up with his sisters and having some well-needed family time. Although, because of Felix's noona, everyone in the family was also aware he was dating 3RACHA member Changbin, and when they went to him for confirmation, he couldn't deny it.

"So all those times," his mom started, "they were dates. And today too!"

"Mom!" Felix whined, his mom and sisters laughed more.

When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, everyone knew who it was. They all turned their heads to look at Felix, who was frozen in his place on the couch, heart beating faster and sweat starting to form on his palms.

"I'll get it," The older sister said after a long awkward silence, taking initiative for her nervous brother.

"Don't leave him waiting," Felix's mom spoke after another awkward silence, catching Felix's attention. "He's waiting for you." Felix gathered his courage and sent his mom a smile, getting up from where he was sitting and walking towards the front door.

"Have fun!" His sister said to him as she walked away from the door, revealing Changbin, who had been waiting patiently outside with his his thumbs in his jacket pockets.

"Ready?" Changbin asked as Felix put on a jacket. The latter nodded and took his hand,
walking with him to the same car he'd been seeing for weeks.

"What's your stomach craving right now?" Changbin asked as he started the engine.

"Fried chicken sounds pretty good right now." Felix replied as they started to drive.

"Good choice," Changbin replied and suddenly they were in the parking lot of one of Felix's favourite chicken restaurants.

The two boys went inside and bought three big take-out containers full of fried chicken, sauces and sides. Changbin paid, naturally, but Felix was too hungry to complain about it.

Felix's stomach was growling loudly while they drove, because the smell of the food he had in his lap was flowing through the air. He tried his best to hold himself back because the two decided to eat together once they reached their destination.

After they were parked along the hillside, full view of the sunset, Changbin stole one of the boxes in Felix's lap, snapping him out of his half-trance half-sleeping state.

"Hey!" Felix exclaimed, seeing Changbin with a chicken wing already in his mouth. Felix put the boxes between them and reached over to grab a piece of chicken from the container Changbin had.

They ate mostly in silence because Felix was one hungry boy.

Randomly, Felix felt Changbin's thumb brush up against his lip, Changbin bursting into laughter as Felix's face was written with pure confusion.

"You need to watch where the sauce goes," Changbin said to the oblivious boy and gestured to the car mirror, "it should be inside your mouth, not on your cheeks or lips." Changbin found a napkin and wiped the sauce off his finger.

"T-thanks," Felix stuttered. His cheeks flushed red and Changbin noticed, admiring his cuteness.

"You don't need to be embarassed," Changbin said as he wiped the sides of Felix's mouth with the napkin he was holding. "It's just me. I'm supposed to take care of you now."

"R-right." Felix just continued eating his chicken to hide his embarrassment. Changbin admired his boy's cuteness.

"That was good." Felix said as he took the last bite of his chicken. Changbin nodded and picked up the boxes, discarding them to the back seat to throw away later.

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