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"Felix! Honey!" His mom said in English as Felix walked through the door. "How was your date?" Felix just stared at her for a while as he took off his shoes and coat.

"W-what?" Felix stuttered. "Mom! It wasn't a date!" His mom just laughed.

"Come on, Lixie... you can tell your mother. Is he cute? What's he like? Is he treating you well?" His mom spoke up and Felix just blushed. He told his parents that he was gay during the summer before his last year of high school. To his surprise, his mother was extremely supportive of him.

"It's none of your business, mom!" Felix whined, "it wasn't even a date! Who told you about that anyway?"

"That would be me," he heard Seungmin's voice from behind him.

"Seungminnie? Why?" Felix complained, turning around to see Seungmin with Hyunjijn accompanying him, who had come into the hallway to hear what the commotion was about.

"What are you guys talking about?" Hyunjin said in Korean, looking between the three fluent English speakers in confusion. "Come on, don't leave me out! I wanna know!"

"It's nothing," Felix replied to Hyunjin, switching the conversation back into Korean. "Why are you even here anyway?"

"Well," Seungmin said, "you were taking so long to choose an outfit for your date tonight that we fell asleep on your bed, I think you would've seen us?"

"Oh right." Felix chuckled nervously, remembering how he let the couple nap on his bed when he left with Changbin.

"Next thing we know it's 7 PM and we wake up to hear the front door open. Turns out it was just your mom and we had a chat and enjoyed some of her cooking. It started snowing and hyung wouldn't let me walk home in the cold by myself. So, your mom asked if we'd like to sleep the night and we accepted. So now we're here." Seungmin told the story. Felix responded with an ah, while nodding his head.

"So tell us," Hyunjin continued. "How was your date with Changbin-hyung?"

"It wasn't a date!" Felix frustratingly said and tried to divert away from any questions relating to his hangout with the rapper. After Felix finally managed to shut everyone up, there was an awkward silence.

"I've never been on a date before. I wonder what it feels like..." Seungmin spoke with a frown on his face. Felix eyed Hyunjin with a questioning look.

"Ptsh. Lies." Felix replied, slightly rolling his eyes. "All those times after school or when you left me alone at lunch, I'd say those were dates."

"What?" Seungmin gasped dramatically, "that doesn't count! I want to go on a real date!"

Before Felix got a chance to respond, Hyunjin spoke up.

"Well, Seungmin," he took the boy's chin and turned the smaller boy's head to face him, Seungmin blushing a bit, "do you want to go on a date with me?" Seungmin was taken aback and started blushing furiously. Felix and his mom observed the happy couple.

"Y-yes," Seungmin stuttered.

"Great, we'll go tomorrow!" Hyunjin replied, smiling back at him as they dozed off into their own world. They were reminded they weren't alone when Felix started clapping for the couple, snapping them both out of their dazes with embarassed looks.

"Good job, Seungmin, you've gotten yourself a date." Felix chuckled. "It wasn't that hard, was it? Now, I hope you enjoy it!"

"Can we have a moment?" Hyunjin interrupted Felix, hugging Seungmin with his face buried into his chest.

"You can have my room. Have your moment there. I'll sleep on the couch." Felix replied and shoo'd the couple away. Hyunjin gave him a slight smile before redirecting Seungmin up the stairs.

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