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"You what!?" Minho's voice echoed through the dance studio, earning weird stares from all the dancers in the room.

"Shh, hyung, you're so loud!" Felix exclaimed, handing Minho the two tickets he had received from Jisung the previous weekend. "Here, see for yourself."

"You got VIP tickets and you want me as your +1?" Minho was examining the tickets with an expression of disbelief.

"Yes, I've already told you this! Write your name down on the ticket!" Felix said, gesturing to the Sharpie that he had put on the floor next to him.

Minho grabbed the Sharpie and quickly wrote his name on Felix's +1 ticket.

"Man, I thought I was going to be the one dragging you to their showcase," Minho exclaimed, "how did you manage to get these?"

"I have connections," Felix simply replied with a smirk on his face. Minho's face displayed confusion but all emotions wiped off when their dance teacher's voice rang through the room.

The class felt like it went on forever and everyone was exhausted afterwards.

Felix picked up his bag and was going to head to the door but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Hyunjin, with an inquisitive look on his face.

"Um... hi Hyunjin? What's up?" Felix asked hesitantly.

"I saw you giving Minho hyung some type of VIP ticket earlier and I'm curious. What are you VIP for?" Hyunjin asked, leaving the Felix dumbfounded.

"3RACHA's debut showcase, don't you remember? It's this month!" Felix stated with a tone of annoyance in his voice.

"Wait, what?" Hyunjin asked. Does he seriously not remember? Felix thought to himself. "Wow. The whole showcase thing made me block out everything else. Sorry Lix." Felix slightly rolled his eyes in frustration.

"It's next week. Your tickets should be in your mailbox." Felix replied with a fake smile.

"Oh-um," Hyunjin scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry for bothering, I promise I didn't forget!" Felix just nodded. "I guess I'll see you at school," Hyunjin awkwardly continued and walked out of the practice room, leaving Felix by himself wondering if Hyunjin was being genuine with his words.

After a good twenty minutes, Felix was changed and all set out to make his walk home. It wasn't a long walk but it surely was pretty boring. Felix plugged in his earphones and played one of his soothing playlists while he watched the clouds move and the multi-coloured sunset over the streets of Seoul. He silently danced along to the calmer songs as he was walking down the street, mumbling a few lyrics every now and then.

Fifteen minutes past and Felix on the streets forgot about his path home and realised he had been walking around the city; more specifically to a park he hadn't seen in ages. The park in the middle of the city.

Deciding that he had nothing better to do and it would bring back some nostalgia, Felix sat down at one of the benches overlooking the sandbox. He remembered playing with Jisung in the sandbox with their toy trucks and shovels when they met at eight years old. He remembered all the memories he and Jisung made at this park when they were young, and even the more recent ones, where they, including Seungmin, were in middle school and would come to the park in the middle of the city to have some peace and do their homework together. They were great memories for Felix to reminisce on but it felt different reliving his shared memories with no one beside him.

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