book outline

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Hi everyone!
First, I really wanted to thank everyone who's taken the time to read this book. At the time of publishing this, this book has 7K reads and that's honestly 6K more than I thought I would ever get.

So why am I updating and what is this?
So I used to be a big reader for Wattpad fan fiction and I do have a few favourite books that I like to go and re-read sometimes. The problem with me is I never remember what happens in every chapter because most books only use numbers or some way of counting their chapters as titles. There'll be that one scene in one book I totally remember and want to go and re-read, but I have absolutely no idea where it is in the book.

Then I remembered— I wrote a fanfic and I used numbers as the titles of my chapters... so here's this mini-summary of the scenes in each chapter to facilitate your re-reading, if you ever wish to do so.

book outline

rough prompt:
'00 liners are juniors in high school; without Jisung who went to join 3RACHA. still friends; excited for debut. Felix crush on Changbin but tries to hide it from Jisung (starts secret fan account?) Jisung ends up finding out, follows the fan account, interrogates Felix—confesses to Jisung and he tries to get them to meet

01: (dated Thursday, November 14)
Introduction to the story, Jisung first texts Felix saying that he is free and is able to meet up soon. Felix goes to school and comforts Seungmin about his problems with Hyunjin.

02: (dated Thrusday, November 14)
Felix talks to Minho about 3RACHA after seeing one of Jisung's Instagram posts. After dance, he confronts Hyunjin, where he reveals he will participate in a talent showcase with Yeji. Minho and Felix go for a midnight snack and Minho shows Felix pre-debut 3RACHA photos.

03: (dated Friday, November 15)
Felix notices that Seungmin has made up with Hyunjin and is now sitting with Hyunjin, Yeji and Lia. Felix does not have other close friends and feels hurt when Seungmin does not apologise for leaving him by himself. Lead into the next chapter with Felix + Jisung's phone conversation.

04: (dated Friday, November 15)
changbin pov
3RACHA go out for dinner as a celebration for their debut upcoming debut. On the way, Jisung is texting Felix (last chapter) and Chan is [changed: busy on his phone]. Changbin is left alone and the reader is introduced to the hardships of his life. He confides in Jisung who reassures him they will always be there for each other.

05: (dated Friday, November 15)
Felix watches Seungmin live-stream on Hyunjin's Instagram account but ends up leaving because of the obsessive fangirls. Jisung calls him and Felix updates him on his feelings during the events before and during the past chapters. Jisung compares Felix's situation to what Changbin had said in the last chapter.

06: (dated Sunday, November 17)
Felix meets Jisung for coffee and they get to talking like best friends, bickering and yet ranting about life as well. Jisung is made aware of Minho and expresses his desire to meet him. Jisung gives Felix his VIP tickets to 3RACHA's debut showcase with a +1. Felix accepts the tickets in realisation he has a week left until Jisung will be famous and possibly leave him behind.

07: (dated Tuesday, November 19)
Felix asks Minho to be his +1 for 3RACHA's debut showcase. Hyunjin notices this interaction and Felix is angry Hyunjin did not remember Jisung will be debuting soon. Felix walks through the City of Seoul and ends up at a park full of childhood memories for him and Jisung.

08: (dated Friday, November 22)
Felix goes to school and notices girls crowding around Seungmin in his homeroom class. Felix stands up for Seungmin against Hyunjin's crazy fangirls and Seungmin apologises for neglecting Felix. Felix officially meets Lia and he feels more included with Seungmin, having put Seungmin's happiness in front of his own for the longest time.

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