Chapter 16 - Pretend hatred.

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I felt sick as soon as I sent the message to her "Do me a favor don't contact me again." but the thing is I had to do it. I couldn't let her know what George was threatening to tell her it would ruin everything, and I know this also ruins everything but you see I'd much rather it be this way round.



I woke up with a throbbing headache which was from a mixture of alcohol and tears from last night... though I don't particularly remember all that much. The last thing I remember was George suggesting we should all get smashed after I stormed away to my bedroom to forget the bad shit for a while, but I'm starting to wonder if it was just a distraction.

"Come on it'll be fun."

"I dunno George-"

"Come on (Y/N) tell Alex it'll be fun!"

I roll off of the sofa slithering away from Alex's embrace to walk into the kitchen to grab a bowl of hangover cereal. Standing up I walk over to the door to the other room quietly trying not to wake up either George or Alex. As I stood there pouring my cereal into my bowl I couldn't help but remember one of my most treasured memories of Will and me.

"Did you take the last of the cereal you nonce!?"

"Woah Woah Woah Lass don't go blaming me because you are lazy"

Gasp "This is my house! you can't go stealing my Cheerios!"

"Man dominates woman soo I'm afraid I can like"

"Can't believe you just pulled the Dominator card. Friendship over"



"How about we share the bowl of cereal? will that help?"


"Come sit next to me then my love."

I chuckle slightly to myself at the thought of the memory as I spoon some Cheerios into my mouth sighing slightly to myself as I slid my spare hand against the marble worktop comfortingly as I continued to relive the memory

"Choo Choo train of honey cheerios coming your way!"

"Will- I do not need feeding"


"Come on its funny- Chooo ChOoOoOOO"

More Laughter

Crunch crunch

"See much better when being fed to you"

"That's so noncey Will"

As I stood there reliving the memory over and over again I couldn't help but start to think about the text Will had sent me telling me he wanted nothing to do with me.

it still made no fucking sense at all. I put down my bowl before I walk over to the pair of shoes in the corner of the kitchen sliding them onto my feet as I throw on one of George's hats over my messy hair. If will want nothing to do with me that was completely fine it's his choice but I wanted to hear him physically say it. get him to look me in the eyes and say that's what he wanted.

So with that, I made my way to Will's apartment which was only the floor above Mine, Alex's and George's which was lucky because no way was I going to walk a long way with this bloody headache.

I walk down the hallway and up the flight of stairs feeling my heartbeat getting faster and faster which was not what I needed in any shape nor form.

Breath In

Breath out.

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

And then the door slowly opened revealing the face of a very messy looking Will "(Y/N)-" He says with a groggy voice before clearing his throat "I thought I told you to leave me alone." I roll my eyes crossing my arms "yes I got your message loud and clear. But I want to hear you actually say it"


"Say it right now, Look me in the eyes and say it."

And there it was the hesitation I was looking for Will never hesitates unless he's lying.

Then after a few seconds, he stood up straight and made eye contact with me his eye's darting from side to side scanning my blank facial expression.

"I don't want to talk to you, Ever again. leave me alone" he said swallowing hard afterward

And I knew it, I knew in that second from his body language from the way he spoke. His hatred was pretended and there was something else wrong. I knew it

"Okay then, Goodbye Will," I say with a shrug before turning around and walking back in the direction I came. The only reason I wasn't panicking and or breaking down was because

This wasn't goodbye.

It was just a bump in the road which I was now determined to smooth out.


I am so sorry I didn't post yesterday like I said I would. Something rather upsetting came up and I couldn't upload

My schedule will be back to every other
day from now on through x

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