Chapter 43 - Shut doors and open arms

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"Willll come on!" I groan as I stand excitably by the door with my backpack in hand jingling the keys in the other one
"I'm coming! Just grabbing some last few things." 

I was honestly so excited for this weekend away with Will, It was going to be the break we've both needed. 

I look around the apartment and think about all the memories we have made here; the smiles, the tears, the laughs, the frowns. Our lives, the lives we've spent together 
And it made me realise that I was never prepared to live my life without my frien- Will, I wasn't prepared to live my life without Will. 

But looking around the room my memory box unlocks and I begin to relive the day that I met Alex and George for the first time again in my mind...

"Wahhheeyy! Look ho's here!" Will said turning around on the sofa to face me, he was sat on the sofa with two guys; one in a pink hoodie who looked kinda shy once he looked at me, and the other in a white hoodie who seemed more relaxed. "Hey, you," I say chuckling "Who are these handsome young men?" 

"Ugh don't flatter them. This is Alex and George. My mates, I was telling you about." 
"Ahhh so this is Y/N!" The more Confident one said "I'm George. Heard plenty about you" He says extending a hand for me to shake with of course I take politely. 
"Hopefully all good things. And you must be Alex then" I say with a smile offering my hand for him to shake which he also takes but nervously with a smile on his face "You're as pretty as Will described." 

I hadn't thought about that day in so long I remember Will telling me that Alex was head over heels for me the second he set his eyes on me... It almost feels like that day was a hundred years ago now, almost like a distant memory that doesn't even match up to reality.

"Alright, you ready to go?" Will says kissing my forehead taking my bag from my grasp slinging it over my shoulder which shakes me back to my future which saved me being stuck in my past. 
"I've been ready forever!"

"Forever is a slight over-exaggeration," Will says with a playful scoff 
"Well, It feels like forever!" 

"Let's go then miss impatient"
"I prefer my love"
"Fine, let's go then. My love" 

And as we shut the apartment door and headed for the long road ahead It felt like I was shutting the door on my past, and walking into the opened arms of my future.

But I still couldn't shake this bloody feeling off that I was forgetting to lock the door of my past and It would come and tear me away from the comforting arms of my future. 

but surely that was just my Anxiety? Right? 

Question for you lovely lot : ) would you rather I skip their weekend away till the last day and go straight to the juicy stuff or lengthen it out and give you guys a few wholesome chapters before the juice? x 

A guilty pleasure with you  // WillNE x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now