Chapter 57 - I remember this.

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After breakfast, I decided to go for a shower to help clear my mind. 
You probably think me saying that is stupid because who would have an overpowering amount of thoughts after they lost their memory, right?. 

Well, you'd be completely and utterly wrong. There were thoughts left and right of my mind about every little thing you could think about; Who were my family? how did I meet these four men? how long have I been engaged? will I ever learn to love Will again? Did I do something to cause the tension in the room this morning? was this all my fault? 

the thoughts could go on and on for hours on end as I figured out last night when I didn't sleep a wink. I know I told the boys that I slept well, but I couldn't have slept worse. But I had no wish for them to worry about me so I lied. 

I sigh happily as I step into the shower the hot water hitting my face like a wave of relief every drop of the water taking my worries away faster than anything could. 


I got out of the shower just quickly half drying my hair with a towel throwing on a pair of jogging bottoms and a plain black top, for no reason other than pure comfort, looking in the mirror with a sigh. I didn't even recognise my own face, it was like I got a surprise every time I looked in a mirror or reflection of anything. I hated it. 

I walk out of the bathroom heading through the door into My- Alex's room and to my surprise I see Will putting a pile of neatly folded clothes on the bed as he looked up when I entered the room "Oh!- Y/N sorry. thought you were still in the shower I was just-" He said trying to explain himself quickly as if he was apologising for being in my room which was sweet, really sweet.

"Don't worry about it" I cut him off chuckling comfortingly "Are those my clothes?" 
"Yeah, a few things that were left in my apartment next door." 
"Left? did we not live there?" I said curiously walking over to Will sitting down in front of him on the bed

"No, we didn't. we were uh living with my Ma for a while." He says putting his hands in his pocket 
"Why? did something happen?" 
"you could uh, say that. We had a bad fall out with Alex, George and Mia."

Mia? who was she? did she live here also? would I meet her soon? 

"Mia..?" I say patting the side of the bed next to me letting him know it was okay to sit with me, and so he did. He sat down next to me and explained who Mia was and her whole story with George and Will, and that She and George fell out a couple of days ago and she decided that she couldn't live with the guilt so instead of sticking by his side she moved away somewhere. 

"Huh, sounds like a bitch," I say with a scoff which made Will chuckle "That's what you originally thought of her anyway,"
"If you were with Mia how did we get together?" I say scrunching my face up curiously as I turned to face Will. 
He doesn't respond to me he just looked at me leaning in closer "Will...?" I say nervously swallowing as Will tucks a piece of hair behind my ear

"S-sorry," He says backing away "This moment is just so familiar..." and as I look into his eyes I can see that he's in pain I obviously hit a sensitive spot with the question, and don't ask me why I did was I did next because I couldn't even tell you but. 

I kiss back putting my hands on his neck, while his hand holds my face gently as if he was scared to break me his skin and lips softly against mine pulling him closer to me until his body was practically on top of mine. 

And suddenly I remembered this moment just as well as will did. 

I sit on my bed looking up at Will who grabbed my hoodie out of his bag throwing it at me before dumping his bag on my floor sitting next to me on the bed. "If uh... mia asks, we weren't together last night I stayed home alone and did some editing," he said looking at me turning his head leaning his arms onto his legs. This kind of caught me off guard as he normally isn't bothered about Mia knowing "Yeah, sure. any reason though?". Will didn't respond to me he just looked at me leaning in closer

"Will...?" I say nervously swallowing as Will tucks a piece of hair behind my ear "Forgive in advance for being a knob..." he says before connecting his lips onto mine. and for a brief second, I kiss him back putting my hands on his neck, while his hand holds my face gently his skin and lips softly against mine pulling him closer to me until his body was practically on top of mine until the guilt started to kick in. 

I open my eyes wide in shock as I gasp pushing Will off of me "Will! this was our first kiss!" I say holding his shoulders looking at his facial expression that I would surely never forget the happiness shining through unstoppable. "Yes! fuck Y/N! yes! it was!" he said putting his hands on my cheeks, tears prickling his eyes. 
And within a second I felt like I was hit with a weight of months, years, decades! worth of memories.

And without any hesitation, I smashed my lips back onto Will's kissing the lips of my fiance, my fiance that I remember so clearly. "Y/N-" He said holding me back hesitantly as I look at him with confusion "I can't- I can't kiss you like this when you don't remember-"

"Will, I do! I remember! I remember everything!" 
"WHAT!?" Will says practically shouting in joy standing up taking my hands in his "You do!?"

"Yes! I do! I remember the sneaking around, the arguments, the shit times the good fucking times! How much I despise Mia! Everything Will! Everything!" I say as happy tears began to stream from my eyes as Will picks me up spinning me around 

"This is the best news ever my love," he says hugging me, holding me close.

"I love you, Will"
"I love you more Y/N."

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