Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: but...that's not part of PROM!!

My break was already over.

I had to go back to school again every single day and to work really hard, that was actually what I had to do all year long to keep my grades up. I wouldn't really say they were high enough but well, I managed to pass somehow. This year was actually rough but I had Ethan picking me up sometimes when I'm done with my schedule. We either went eating somewhere, came to my house or spent the time at his own place. He also happened to help me sometimes with my homework. Gosh, he is really good at chemistry!

I also realized that I used to write a lot in my journal and that was basically because I had nothing better to do with my life. But now, I barely get the time to write anything, so that was the last thing I got to write, and it was two days before our prom night.

"Ethan makes me realize how much I've evolved as a human since the day I met him. I was progressing unconsciously and it's because of him. I mean, I haven't cut for as long as I can remember, I laughed and smiled more than I ever had, I enjoyed doing the littlest things.

He always tells me that it's all about the little things in life.

I can't believe how much I've changed. I still have my "wtf" moments and my little "damn, can the earth split in half and swallow me right now?"  though. I even stopped believing in the one and only theory that was once ruling my life: "one person might change your world for the worst, but never for the better". But guess what? My man proved me wrong.

I am proud to say that I love him".

PROM NIGHT...yes you heard it right! Here I am two days before prom night, laying on my bed and thinking about how fast this year went by! Honestly, I am stressed out, more like scared. I am stressed about my future as I've no idea what to do with my life, stressed about what kind of little job shall I get to be able to pay for my college and my rent. I wouldn't mind cleaning the toilets all day long if this is going to help me free myself from my "parents". I've dreamt about living alone since I was a little girl because I always felt like living with them is basically me putting on an act everyday. It's hard. I've survived this for eighteen years now but that's no longer acceptable. I've suffered enough because of them acting like they do care about me.

I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea, it was really late but I didn't really mind as we're getting these two pre-prom days off. As I was waiting for the water to boil, I actually felt a little sad. It just hit me how so many people at my school had a date...There was Sam and kylie, Leen and Gray, Veronica and Mike, Paul and Bella, Georges and Lilly, and many other of my classmates who were going to prom together. I mean even EVE got asked to prom by Chris!

We are allowed to go to prom with people from outside the school so I was really waiting for Ethan to talk about it. He already knew about prom but why didn't he ask me yet? I felt emotional.

I finally texted him: "hey E"

He replies within a few minutes: "Hey Faithy!"

I didn't type anything so he says again: "Are you free tomorrow at 5 p.m. ? I need to come to your place and talk to you in person"

I really hope he'll be coming to ask me for prom so I simply sent a quick "yeah course".

I finished my cup of tea, brushed my teeth and went straight to bed, hoping tomorrow's going to be a good day...

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