Back at Mount Weather

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Two days after arriving in Polis and making up for her mistake, Daenerys couldn't stand being away from Bellamy anymore. She was crazy about him and was desperate to see him. So, that morning,  Daenerys went to Lexa. She needed to go back, she had to see her friends, she had to see Bellamy. She so much hoped he was fine and that he was being happy. When she reached Lexa's apartments, she knocked and went in.

"Daenerys? What is it?"

"I was wondering if I could go to the Ark for a little while. Since the bounty started, I haven't got a chance to see my friends-. And Bellamy."

Lexa smiled and took her friend's hands. "Go. I'll manage for a few days without you. You should be safe now that I've lifted the bounty on my side. Azgeda will still be looking for you but my spies will make sure no harm comes to you."

"Thanks, Lex. I'm so sorry I hurt you, and I'm so grateful that you're letting me go there." They hugged before Daenerys left on horseback. She was so excited about seeing Bellamy again. God, she had missed him more than she thought she could ever miss anyone.

The forest was quite light, the wind was playing with the small leaves, dancing with them. A smile appeared on her face as she thought of Bellamy. She hurried her horse, and rode almost without pause for three hours.

She first reached Mount Weather. She heard the Ark was there, getting supplies so she decided to stop there first. She left her horse out of sight. She walked out of the tree line and she felt true excitement.

Though she suddenly froze in her steps, feeling tears burning her eyes. She began to breath with difficulty and her sight was blury. She had longed for this moment, but this was a nightmare. She hadn't spent one hour without thinking of Bellamy, she freaking loved him!

He was there joking, laughing with a young girl. She was sweet, yes. They kissed and laughed. It looked perfect. Daenerys looked at them, her heart clenching, she felt an extremely strong sadness. Though she couldn't interfere, he had found someone who made him happy, someone not half as complicated as her. And this girl, she seemed sweet, rather innocent, probably better for him.

Nonetheless, she was hurt, so deeply hurt. It ached so much, it tore up her heart and she couldn't let him go that easily. All the things she had seen, lived and done had created her a strong dark side, that 'helped' her in times of trouble. After feeling heartbroken, she felt terribly angry. She couldn't have the girl pay. But Bellamy had to understand no one plays with a girl's heart.

Suddenly, Bellamy's eyes met hers for a few seconds. He couldn't believe it so he got inside, shocked.

Once he had left, Daenerys walked to the girl. "Hey."

"Oh, hey. Are you- a grounder or something?"

"Yeah, I'm Trikru. But I know these people, the 100. They're my friends. What's your name?"

The girl smiled sweetly and replied "Gina. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Daenerys." She paused. "So, you and Bellamy?" Daenerys asked with a smile, perfectly hiding her feelings.

Gina laughed lightly. "Yeah, his an amazing person, I love him, I do."

"That's good. I'm so happy for you." Daenerys managed to say, faking being happy for her. "Good luck with whatever the future may bring you!"

"Thank you so much! You too. It was lovely meeting you."

They parted and Daenerys walked inside the mountain. She knew the place, it brought such bad memories to her. She was about to follow the same way Emerson took her when her best friend's voice stopped her.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now