20. Stay that same strong person

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"What is it, Bellamy?" She answered rather coldly.

He sighed. "What can I do to show how sorry I am, that I'm on your side-"

"Maybe, I'll give you a chance. But I need time first, Bellamy. The damage is too great. You can't just screw up and the minute that follows apologies. How do I know you're sincere? I need proof. Maybe the fact that you save my life was one step." She climbed into the rover and they drove off towards Arkadia.

Though the rover was low of battery so they had to stop. Daenerys was asleep in the rover, she had been exhausted by the attempt on her life. Bellamy sat in his driver's seat and as everyone was inside, he remained there, just looking at her. He had been so afraid to loose her, even though she wasn't really his to loose anymore. The more he looked at her the more he wanted to make it up to her, to mend all the broken pieces. He studied her calm face, and contemplated those so special features, this dignity at all times, and the sweetness on her face that completed its firmness when she was awake. She frowned in her sleep, her head moved slightly, like she was having a bad dream. Then suddenly she jolted awake and sat up, looking around.

"You okay?" Octavia said as she came in and sat by her side. Bellamy had just walked out of the rover, going to Clarke.

"Yeah" She told Octavia, she gave her a small smile. "I think I'll go walk around for some time." She hopped off with all her armour and warpaint and gear. She went kind of in the same path Clarke had gone on. She walked, thoughtful.

Though when she heard Clarke's voice she stopped and looked up. She quickly spotted her, trying to get something from...Roan. The Flame. She didn't think twice. She rushed without being seen or heard and jumping from small heights, she grabbed him and threw him on the floor, holding him down, her dagger to his neck. He sighed, a slight smile on his face.

"Caught me off guard." He said.

"Which wasn't that hard. Now give me back the Flame."

"You know I can't do that. I have to put it in Ontari. She's Azgeda and she's the rightful Commander."

"Now are you sure of this last statement? How about I fight her according to the rules and see which one of us wins in a fair fight?"

"You're not Ice Nation."

"No. I'm a natblida. If I were Commander I wouldn't be of any Clan."

He sighed and turned her over before standing and helping her up. They locked arms and smiled before he handed her back the Flame. A gunshot echoed and Roan held his arm. They turned to Clarke.

"What the hell, Clarke?!" She shouted.

"I needed to know if he was chipped."

"He wouldn't have handed me the Flame, Clarke!"

She heard a strike and a grunt. She turned around to see Bellamy and Roan on the floor. "We needed to be sure."

"What the Hell, Bellamy!?!! You two are quite the team of dumbass!" She accused and knelt by Roan's side.

Clarke took the gun and knocked Daenerys out. Bellamy protested. "She won't let us disarm and restrain him." He nodded and after disarming Roan, he gently carried Daenerys to the Rover.

"What the hell happened?" Octavia demanded.

"We had to."

"What?! Is she chipped?"


"Then why?!"

He didn't respond and went back to get Roan. They rode to Arkadia and Daenerys woke up. She looked around to Roan and saw him, restrained and gagged. She immediately removed the gag.

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now