21. The last Natblida.

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Daenerys climbed on roofs, unseen while Roan penetrated the city, holding his prisoner. It was as calm as Arkadia, silent, no one outside. They walked on, looking around. When they reached the tour. People were kneeling on the floor, eyes closed. Roan showed the Flame.

"I have what the Commander wants." He announced and a lot people surrounded them. They waited for Ontari to come but instead, Jaha made an appearance. But no Ontari.

Daenerys couldn't hear what was going on, but she paid attention to their every move, she unsheathed her sword as she saw Roan hold a knife to Clarke's throat which meant something was wrong. He said something and let go of Clarke. What was Bellamy waiting for??!!! She watched as Roan started to walk away. What was this all about??!! Then she saw Kane aim a gun at him. Everything happened in split seconds. She screamed and jumped with her swords out, just in time to be between Roan and the gun. She grunted and held her side in pain, and fell. She heard another gunshot and saw Roan fall much more brutally, hit in a worse place.

"Noooo!" She screamed in pain and sadness. Everything had gone wrong and it was her fault. Alie knew all along and she saw her but said nothing. She managed herself to Roan. "Hey, it's okay..." She whispered.

"Are you....ok?"

She hid the pain and nodded. But as she was about to speak they took him and Jaha walked to her.

"Yes, she's useful too. Take her up to Alie and Ontari." She let them drag her up to the Throne room without fighting. When she got there, she saw Alie on the Throne.

"You bitch! Get away from here!!!" She screamed but grunted in pain.

"We need her Thelonious. She knows the passphrase and has the blood alteration to sustain the second AI."

Jaha nodded and sat her on the throne, restraining her heavily. She kept a hard face on as she lost blood and watched as Clarke was restrained to. It was so horrible for Clarke for the person who was gonna try to get the passphrase out of her was her mother! Though she didn't have time to think about these horrors. Alie stood in front of her and so did Jaha. He held the chip.

"You've suffered a lot Daenerys."

"Screw you Jaha."

"You lost your mother and sister."

"Screw you! You killed her, you sons of a bitch!"

"I could take all that anger and pain away. Your father. You loved him, but he drunk himself to death."

Tears appeared in her eyes. No one knew this, she had hid that part of her past...it was too painful. "You don't know what you're talking about." She spat through gritted teeth.

He put a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to suffer anymore."

"This pain keeps everything real. If I take this I destroy all I've learnt so go float yourself."

"She's clever and strong. We need her but memories won't have the better of her." Alie said. Daenerys closed her eyes and her mind backed on the Ai that connected her to her sister.

Alie looked intrigued. "She possesses another version of the AIs made by my creator. If we use her to get the Ai, I will be most complete. Thelonious, find a way to get her I need her."

"Of course. Get the Blake siblings and John Murphy."

Daenerys opened her eyes and looked at Jaha. She lifted her leg and kicked him so hard he fell down the stairs, she tried to break free, reopening the wounds from the moment Emerson had them. Though Jaha came back and he told guards to administrate her with a terrible beating. She was all bloodied, busted lip, broken rib, bloody cheek and bruises here and there.

Though she didn't break she couldn't. She thought of what her sister, Roan and Lexa had told her. She thought of all the people still alive that she loved : Raven, Octavia, Monty, Roan....Bellamy...She had told him they'd meet again, so they would. She looked up and saw Alie.

"They're here." She announced and turned to Ontari. "We can't let them have you."

"I understand." Ontari replied and both Clarke and Daenerys opened their eyes wide as she knelt and Jaha went to grab a heavy steal stick. Daenerys struggled against her restraints so hard, glancing at Ontari and Jaha, then at Abby... she struggled so hard, she needed to get away and save Ontari, so she pulled and with a huge cry of pain, she literally broke free one wrist. She broke her wrist and the restrain. She was shaking but managed to remove the other restrain and rushed to Jaha just as he stroke Ontari.


"Take her or kill her." Alie told Jaha who grabbed her broken wrist making her grunt in pain. She felt the  look draining from her head, and black dots appeared, blurring her vision. "It's too late." Alie said and Jaha threw her on the floor. She kicked the stock away so he leant over her and grabbed her neck, pressing it hard. She couldn't breath and her wrist was killing her, so was that dirty cut, the bullet wound and her bruises. She tried to get to him but in vain.

"Please.........Bellamy....." She whispered as she felt her consconsciousness slipping away.

As everything was going dark she saw Jaha fly knocked out. She took a heavy, painful breath and felt hands coping her face. She looked up and saw Bellamy. She sighed in relief and didn't fight as he held her.

"It's over." she heard Clarke say.

"We're trapped here." Murphy stated. Daenerys looked at Bellamy.

"Could you help me up?" She asked and he did so, helping her stand.

"Clarke, it's not over." She butted in. "Get ready for an ascension ceremony."


"Clarke. There is no other choice. Bellamy, get secure the floor while Clarke EMPs her mom. Clarke, I'm the last Natblida. Luna won't have it."

"Be careful." Bellamy told her and she simply turned around. She walked or limped to Jaha, taking the Flame. Clarke went to her mom and connected the EMP. Daenerys watched as Abby woke back up. She envied Clarke who hugged her mother, and cried with her. She wondered how would things be I fff her own mom was still walking the earth. While it was going on, she grabbed her armour and all that Jaha had taken from her.

She turned around when the doors opened and Bellamy arrived with Murphy and Pike. Daenerys saw Murphy and limped to him.

"John?" He lowered his weapon and they hugged tight. "God, it's been a while." She whispered, but grunted.

"You okay?" He asked gently.

"I have a few broken bones." She said, smiling a little. But when she saw Pike, she unsheathed her sword. "You" She muttered through gritted teeth. But Bellamy caught her.

"Hey, we need to get through this first."

"Get off me." She cut and free herself. She then turned her back to the group, looking at Clarke. "Let's do it."

"What about Ontari?" Murphy asked. "You said we had only one shot at this."

"We're putting the Flame in me." She said and locking her jaw, she placed her wrist bones together, and roughly bandaged it. She had her eyes locked with Pike's the whole time. Octavia came in with a few others.

"Whatever you're doing, you better do it fast." She said.

"Why? What's going on?"

"They're climbing."

They all rushed to the balcony and saw that they were bringing ladders, and climbing!

"Let's do it."

Bellamy nodded and a group went to grease the balcony. The only place they couldn't secure was the Commander's chambers, so they left to go there while Clarke got Daenerys ready. She was kneeling on the floor. Murphy was there.

"Here, give me the Flame. I'll do it."

Whatever It Takes 3//Bellamy Blake Fanfic, sequel to Whatever it Takes (1&2)Where stories live. Discover now